Intro weekend 2019

Intro weekend is over for another year! What a weekend, we are already looking forward to the next one.

ACS and Residence Life Staff at intro weekend 2019

Intro weekend this year was full of sunshine, smiles and a great atmosphere. The students were greeted by our lovely student ambassadors that directed them down the red carpet to collect their keys. After the students had found their room and unpacked, they came to join us outside to find out more about what is instore throughout the year and what uni life has to offer. 

This year we had societies performing for the first time which was great and made such a lovely atmosphere, as well as giving the students such a positively warm welcome. We had the swing society, samba band, sing society and the performing arts society come to the residences to perform and allow students to sign up to be part of the societies. 

The students were also able to find out about Residence life, how and where they can use their Genius Card, all about the Students Union and all about the environmental campaigns that run throughout the year. The environmental team also held the Free shop at the end of the weekend where students could pick up free second-hand kitchen items for their new home.

To end intro weekend and kick off the student's uni life and time here at the residences, a lot of the students attended the sell-out festival themed club night at The Edge Bar. A great way to relax and have fun with their new flatmates. 

We loved intro weekend and we are pretty certain the students did too! 

Intro weekend The Edge Festival 2019