The project hosted workshops, summer schools and conferences for external participants, delivered jointly by the academic and industry partners within ADVOCATE with support from external scientists and other experts.
Project and time management – academic and industry perspective
- Hosted at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ, November 2011
- Attended by 13 fellows and external researchers
Participants were introduced to the principles and application of effective project management for research and commercial activities. This included group-based exercises in the organisation of an international research conference and critical path analysis supporting decision-making for remediation.
The sessions were facilitated by the University of ºù«Ӱҵ staff and David Hall (Golder Associates UK Ltd) and Phil Morgan (Sirius Group UK), both associated industry partners in the ADVOCATE network.
Flyer and programme (PDF, 496KB)
Analysis and interpretation of biodegradation in soils and groundwater using physicochemical and molecular microbiological methods
- Hosted at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland, March 2012.
- Attended by 24 fellows and external participants, who included researchers, consultants and other professionals from many other countries in Europe
Participants were introduced to the fundamental principles and practical application of advanced microbiological techniques for the assessment of contaminated environments. This included group-based exercises where each team selected two case studies to develop a conceptual model, monitoring plan and analytical framework to implement a microbiological assessment of the problem in each case. Each team then presented their interpretation and recommendations to the workshop for discussion.
The workshop was presented by researchers from AGH University of Science and Technology, Warsaw University of Technology and the University of ºù«Ӱҵ.
Flyer and programme (PDF, 372KB)
Application of innovative methods for site characterisation, water and contaminant flux measurement in the subsurface
- Hosted at the UFZ Leipzig, Germany, June 2012
- Attended by 31 fellows and external participants, who included researchers, consultants and other professionals from Europe
Participants were introduced to many different approaches and technical concepts to characterise and sample properties of the subsurface environment which influence contaminant transport and remediation performance. This included sessions on the application of novel tracer techniques, remediation strategies using nanoparticles and radiofrequency heating, and mass flux approaches for groundwater sampling and remediation performance assessment.
The use of constructed wetlands for sustainable remediation, treatment technologies for industrial wastewater and the complex issues of managing contaminated landscapes was also covered. A field excursion provided the opportunity for participants to view innovative sustainable wastewater treatment technologies and visit demonstration sites hosting long-term pilot-scale studies of in situ bioremediation concepts for industrial organic chemicals and ammonium-contaminated wastewater.
The workshop was presented by researchers from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ, University of Liege and VITO, and staff from Stadtentwaesserung Dresden and LAF Magdeburg, both associated partners in the ADVOCATE network.
Flyer and programme (PDF, 108KB)
Interpretation and statistical analysis of environmental data
- Hosted at the University of Liege, Belgium, February 2013
- Attended by 25 fellows and external participants, who included researchers, consultants and other professionals from several countries in Europe
Participants were introduced to the principles and practice of geostatistical analysis for environmental investigations and management of contaminated sites. This included consideration of spatially and temporally variable data, with an introduction to Principal Component Analysis, Fourier Analysis and Wavelet Analysis.
Computer-based exercises using MATLAB, provided the opportunity for participants to gain experience in the application of these statistical techniques for the analysis of relevant environmental datasets and use of appropriate software for interpretation.
The workshop was presented by researchers from the University of Liege, the University of ºù«Ӱҵ and Ephesia Consult, a Belgian environmental engineering consulting company.
Flyer and programme (PDF, 296KB)
Soil and groundwater remediation: sustainable management strategies, effective clean-up methods and emerging contaminants
- Hosted at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland, May 2013
- Attended by 15 fellows and external participants, who included researchers, consultants and other professionals
Participants were introduced to the principles and practical application of sustainable management strategies for soil and groundwater. Topics covered the management of soil and groundwater contamination at former military airports, numerical modelling as a tool for remediation design, in situ remediation of contaminated fractured soils and an overview of the development and use of conceptual site models for site management.
On the second day, participants collaborated in group-based exercises where each team developed a conceptual site model from a case study, to support decision-making on risk assessment and remediation design. The analysis considered the definition of appropriate site characterisation objectives and data needs, the selection of relevant laboratory and pilot-scale tests to provide additional information, and possible scenarios for numerical modelling. Each team then presented their interpretation and recommendations to the workshop for discussion.
The workshop was presented by researchers from AGH University of Science and Technology, the University of ºù«Ӱҵ and ADVOCATE associate partner Hydrogeotechnika Ltd, and guest speakers from IETU Katowice and DWL Warsaw.
Flyer and programme (PDF, 264KB)
Career workshop, employment opportunities, developing an effective job search strategy, CVs and job applications
- Hosted at the Eawag research institute in Zurich, Switzerland, February 2014
- Attended by 16 fellows and external researchers
Participants were introduced to employment opportunities in research, academic, commercial and industrial sectors within the scope of the network and received advice and guidance on planning and developing an effective job search strategy and CV preparation for future employment.
Representatives from our associated partners contributed talks on their personal experience in developing a career within the specific sector of their organisation. They then held small group discussions with the participants to provide specific advice on pursuing a career in their specific profession or type of organisation.
The workshop was presented by researchers and staff from the University of ºù«Ӱҵ, Eawag, University of Neuchatel, CL:AIRE and ADVOCATE associated partners Shell Global Solutions, URS and Sirius Geotechnical and Environmental Ltd. (And, in the spirit of the season, there was time for fellows to spend a few days alpine skiing in nearby Davos!)
Flyer and programme (PDF, 408KB)
‘Taking research beyond academia’ - IPR/legal issues for research & technology development, commercialisation
- Hosted at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London, UK, September 2014
- Attended by 12 fellows and other project members
Participants were introduced to the journey of creating a product for commercialisation and the pitfalls of establishing a spin-out company by Andy Maiden, now a lecturer at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ. Andy has given both a personal and professional insight into his experiences on commercialisation, giving us all an enjoyable and fun presentation making us think and be more competent in the topic.
Business Development Manager at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ and private entrepreneur Ashan Khan (external) encouraged an engaging, energetic and informative discussion on innovations and innovative thinking. Joerg Frauenstein (associate partner) Head of Section of Soil Protection at the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) shared his views on the importance of academic and business collaborations, encouraging young scientists to see through the maze of research and development and have it at the prime of their focus.
Last, but not least, on the side of legal issues, David Hall (associate partner) of Golder Associates introduced us to the joys and difficulties of being an expert witness, through many years of activities, that had started off as a hobby for him.
Flyer and programme (PDF, 932KB)
Summer schools
Assessment of contaminant source identification, natural processes and remediation performance using stable isotopes, with field sampling and laboratory analysis
- Hosted at the UFZ Leipzig, Germany, 21-22 June 2012
- Attended by 23 fellows and external participants, who included researchers and professional environmental engineers from Europe
Participants were introduced to the fundamental theory and application of stable isotope analysis for the evaluation of contaminant sources, biodegradation processes and in situ remediation performance. Particular emphasis was given to the integration of this analysis with other multidisciplinary techniques to develop a comprehensive understanding of the environmental fate of organic chemicals in the subsurface.
The school included a visit to the isotope geochemistry laboratories at UFZ Leipzig, where participants were able to view the procedures used for stable isotope analysis of environmental samples.
The summer school was presented by researchers from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ and the University of Neuchatel.
Flyer and programme (PDF, 108KB)
Principles and application of flow and transport modelling in the subsurface
- Hosted at the University of Liège, Belgium, August 2013
- Attended by 21 fellows and external participants, who included researchers and professional environmental engineers from Europe
Participants were introduced to the principles and limitations of subsurface flow and transport modelling, developing conceptual site models from soil and groundwater contamination scenarios for numerical modelling analysis, use of interpretation tools, such as inverse modelling and automatic calibration and model sensitivity analysis, and example applications for different problems.
The participants had the choice of learning on one of three commonly-used modelling platforms, which covered 1-D, 2-D and regional (groundwater body-scale) applications, and a choice of typical groundwater contamination cases. They also had the opportunity to present their own case studies in overview for group discussion with the instructors.
The summer school was presented by researchers from the University of Liège and VITO, with guest speakers from SCK CEN Mol (Belgium), University of Mons (Belgium) and Université Laval in Québec (Canada).
Flyer and programme (PDF, 364KB)
Building interdisciplinary tools for long-term contaminated site management
- Co-presented with the TIMBRE and LIAISE networks and hosted at the UFZ Leipzig in Leipzig, Germany, June 2014
- Attended by 12 fellows and external participants, who included researchers and professional environmental engineers from Europe and Brazil
Participants were introduced to the key issues surrounding the management and re-use of brownfield land for development at different scales and purposes. This covered decision-making, conflict resolution, risk assessment, planning methods, management strategies, technological innovations, stakeholder engagement, sustainability concepts and policy implications.
The summer school included group discussions, interactive exercises and guided tours to a landfill undergoing restoration for recreational use and the well-known Leuna site to review innovative in situ remediation technologies for contaminated groundwater.
The summer school was presented by researchers from the UFZ Leipzig, with guest speakers from University of Tubingen, Free University of Berlin, University Ca Foscari Venice, Czech Academy of Sciences, JENA-GEOS and University of Nottingham.
Flyer and programme (PDF, 180KB)
International conference
In Situ Remediation 2014 conference
"In Situ Remediation 2014" was an international conference organised and presented by CL:AIRE at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London on 2-4 September 2014.
Combining two days of presentations with a third day of a thematic workshop, the conference presented and discussed the latest scientific research, technical advances and innovations in the management, assessment and sustainable in situ remediation of contaminated land and groundwater.
The conference brought together leading scientists, researchers and environmental professionals working in the field, and offered an unrivalled opportunity to exchange ideas, share experiences, gain exposure to the latest developments and network with experts from around the world. The programme of keynote presentations, platform talks and posters covered scientific, management and technological aspects.
A half-day workshop was held on the third day hosted by Geosyntec Consultants on "In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Sites".
The conference themes were:
- Urban groundwater contamination and emerging contaminants – investigation, monitoring and management.
- Natural attenuation and engineered in situ bioremediation.
- Fate and transport of contaminants in the vadose zone.
- Novel methods for the assessment of in situ remediation processes and performance.
- Permeable reactive barriers, in situ chemical oxidation, enhanced abiotic and thermal treatment technologies.
- Sustainability assessments of in situ remediation technologies, including economic aspects and feasibility studies.
implement effective risk and remediation strategies to turn land condition liabilities into assets, using innovative technologies for the assessment and treatment of hydrocarbons, chlorinated compounds, metals and emerging contaminants.
is a specialist contaminated land remediation contractor with involvement in over 1,000 contaminated sites in the UK, and as a subsidiary of enGlobe Corp. of North America, over 6,300 sites internationally.
is a specialist consulting practise that works closely with private and public sector clients to help address often complex problems involving contaminated land and groundwater, environment, natural resources and civil infrastructure.
’s Environmental Solutions team provides a portfolio of field-proven, sustainable technologies that support soil and groundwater remediation for both in situ and ex-situ applications.
is a leading remediation technology company specialising in product solutions and services for the in situ remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater.
is a UK based remediation consultancy and contracting company with over 20 years' experience delivering remediation projects across Europe.
Other events
Contaminated Site Management in Europe (CSME-2012)
Sustainable Approaches to Remediation of Contaminated Land in Europe (SARCLE-2012)
Jointly-held conferences at the University of Lorraine, Nancy, France, 22-24 October 2012. Download the conference programme (PDF, 276KB).
Second International Conference on Sustainable Remediation
AquaConSoil 2013 - 12th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Groundwater-Soil-Systems and Water Resource Management

ADVOCATE developed innovative in situ remediation concepts for the sustainable management of contaminated land and groundwater.