Paper submission


The deadline to submit the papers is 15 April 2025

All papers should be submitted by email as a Word document to

All papers must be submitted in the format as described in the template:

Example papers are provided for your reference in Word or pdf format:

(Please note that this template is for Word 2010. If you require a template for an earlier version of Word (1997-2003), please send us an e-mail.)

Please follow the paper template provided. There is no limit to the number of papers that an author can be named on. However, the maximum number of oral/poster presentations that an author can present at the conference is two (EITHER one oral and one poster OR two posters). Standard paper length is maximum 14 pages. Please also submit a PDF version of your paper IN ADDITION TO the Word document as this will assist us in checking the correct formatting of any equations, images etc. in the Word document.

Please note that if your abstract has been accepted for an oral presentation, you must submit a paper which will be included in the conference proceedings. Although it is not a requirement to submit an accompanying paper for a poster presentation, it will be included in the conference proceedings and we strongly encourage the authors to prepare one.

International Granulation Workshops

The Granulation Conference showcases the latest in agglomeration, granulation and particle technology.

We welcome your abstracts for oral or poster presentations, or any enquiries that you may have.