Developing Clinical Practice - Renal

Course code SNM3256
40 credits at level 6 (degree)


Who is it for?

This unit is suitable for practitioners interested in developing a clinical practice/protocol for their own clinical environment and providing the evidence base to support the practice.

Overview of content:

  • Literature searching
  • Evidence-based practice
  • Introduction to research
  • Literature reviewing/critiquing
  • Change theory
  • Change models

What is it about?

The course enables students to explore the evidence of a particular practice issue/development within their own specialist field and then examine change theory and apply this to the introduction of this practice change within their own clinical culture. This module is conducted entirely online and will feature live online teaching and discussion sessions to support the development of the project. The content will build on the knowledge and skills gained in previous modules as you work towards completing the Renal Nursing degree programme.

How does it enhance practice?

The course enables practice development and the production of an evidence-based practice protocol/procedure pertinent to the practitioner’s workplace.

Mode of Assessment

6-8000 word practice-based portfolio in which the student examines a range of evidence pertinent to a practice in their specialist area that they feel needs developing or updating using an evidence base. The student will explore the principles of evidence-based practice and it's role in health and social care practice. This is followed by a discussion of managing change theory and applies the principles of change management to the introduction of the change to practice.

Links to Professional/Academic Award

BMedSci (Hons) Renal Nursing

Course Structure

The course is delivered entirely online.

Start Date: 

6 January 2025

Application and Funding

To apply for this course you need to complete an online application form and you can do this by visiting our . A fees and funding form will automatically be sent on submission of your application form. Details of funding options can be found on our Funding Page.

If successful in your application for the course you will receive a confirmation email closer to the start date.

Programme Leader/Contact Name

Andrea Fox

Tel: +44 114 222 2079
