Emilie Couchman

School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery

Postgraduate Research Student

Emilie Couchman
Profile picture of Emilie Couchman

Full contact details

Emilie Couchman
School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery
362 Mushroom Lane
S10 2TS

I am currently undertaking my PhD with the Mesothelioma UK Research Centre at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ. I also work as a GP on a part-time basis. My PhD is entitled 'Rethinking continuity in primary care for people with mesothelioma'. This project, funded by Mesothelioma UK, explores the experiences of continuity in primary care among people with mesothelioma, their close persons and their healthcare professionals. My previous research has identified continuity in primary palliative care as a high priority. I am particularly interested in the significant burden on people with mesothelioma (and those around them) of negotiating and accessing the current complex healthcare system. 

My interest in palliative care research started during my BMedSci intercalated degree during medical school. I have since been committed to a clinical academic career throughout my medical training. I was awarded an Academic Foundation Programme post for my house officer years, and subsequently an ACF for my specialty training in general practice. I have achieved over 20 peer-reviewed publications (including book chapters, editorials, letters, literature reviews and original research articles), 16 oral presentations and 20 poster presentations. I have medical journalism and editorial experience, having undertaken a placement at the British Journal of General Practice, and the Clegg Scholarship at the British Medical Journal. I understand evidence-based medicine, from publication to clinical practice. I enjoy teaching and mentoring regularly, and have a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching. 


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Professional activities and memberships

I was recently invited to be a member of the Mesothelioma UK’s Clinical Expert Panel by Liz Darlison, CEO of Mesothelioma UK.