Eye Movement Laboratory

The goal of the ºù«Ӱҵ Eye Movement Room at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ is to have a positive impact on the lives of individuals with nystagmus and other eye movement disorders, via training of Orthoptic graduates to understand these conditions and advancements in research.


We aim to do this by curriculum enhancement in our BMedSci (Orthoptics) and MMedSci (Vision and Strabismus) degree programmes to include practical workshops in eye movement recording, analysis and differential diagnosis.  We also aim to improve public understanding of nystagmus through research and teaching that raises awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by those with nystagmus and to improve the information given to those newly diagnosed with the condition.

Our overarching long term goal is to improve the care pathway from diagnosis to treatment options.

Please contact Dr Helen Griffiths if you would like more information about any of this work h.griffiths@sheffield.ac.uk


Students and Service Users developing curriculum and research themes: This project was funded by the University of ºù«Ӱҵ Faculty of Health, Learning and Teaching Development fund and involved a group of students participating in the Nystagmus Network Open Day in Newcastle in May 2015 .  The aim was to produce a guide for other students on the impact on nystagmus on the lives of those with the condition.  Students held discussions with people, and carers of people, with nystagmus.  The experience provided an educational experience that inspired and challenged students to achieve aspirations of the ºù«Ӱҵ Graduate and those of a graduate of the Faculty of Health.  Information collected from the open day has been developed into an  for year 1 and 2 students.  Two posters have been presented at the British and Irish Orthoptic Society Annual Conference to increase awareness of the effects of nystagmus on daily living and information needed by patients.  The posters can be downloaded below. This project has led to the development of research themes and funding for these further projects.
Project Learning Resource Developer:  David Robertson, BMedSci (Hons) Orthoptics

Download posters:

Nystagmus Information Pack:  Improving the information given to patients and parents with nystagmus by Eye Health Care professionals at the point of diagnosis.  This project is funded by a University of ºù«Ӱҵ OnCampUS student placement and Nystagmus Network.  The project aims to survey all 260 Orthoptic departments in the UK and Ireland to establish the information currently used by eye departments to inform patients and parents of the condition and support available.  Best practice examples will be incorporated into a comprehensive pack, including suggestions from Nystagmus Network members already collected by students at the 2015 Nystagmus Network open day.

The project will produce a best practice Nystagmus Information Pack (NIP) for use within Eye departments.  This will be available to all services within the UK & Ireland and the Nystagmus Network in PDF format.  The benefit to people and families affected by nystagmus is that they will receive high-quality standardised information across the UK at the point of diagnosis.  You can download the Nystagmus Information Pack below.
Project Research Assistant:  Arthur Nye and Anwen Coughlan

Download the Nystagmus Information Pack:

Nystagmus Assessment: Curriculum enhancement. This project is funded by Nystagmus Network and Yorkshire and Humber Health Education.  The purposes of this project is to set up and run an eye movement recording laboratory within the Academic Unit of Ophthalmology and Orthoptics, University of ºù«Ӱҵ.  This facility will equip orthoptic graduates, postgraduates and other eye care professionals with skills to record, analyse and interpret nystagmus using detailed eye movement recordings.  The project will benefit people with nystagmus through improved knowledge and sills in the detailed assessment of the condition.  Students will acquire additional specialist eye movement recording and analytical skills leading to improved management and care of nystagmus patients.  The experience, knowledge and skills obtained from this training will allow graduate Orthoptists to work within or set up eye movement recording facilities in the clinical environment in which they work.

Grants and Awards

  • University of ºù«Ӱҵ funded OncampUS student placement, October 2015: £899
  • Yorkshire and Humber Health Education, September 2015: £19,605
  • Nystagmus Network - Nystagmus training, September 2015: £10,000
  • Nystagmus Network - Nystagmus Information Pack Project, June 2015: £10,000
  • University of ºù«Ӱҵ, Faculty of Health, Learning and Teaching Development Fund, May 2015: £1,200