Linda J Sinker obituary

Born 1948, died 2011. A graduate of the Departments of French, History and Archaeology.

Linda passed away on January 24th at Hereford County Hospital from the effects of the Swine Flu virus. She is the dearly loved wife of Edward and mother of Paul and Madeleine She received a degree in French, History and Archaeology at ºù«Ӱҵ University. she first worked for the DSS in Manchester, followed by Mirrlees Blackstone, Stockport as Marketing Officer, next she moved on to a variety of jobs in London. When we moved to Herefordshire, she worked at Hamster Baskets, Ledbury, John Masefield High School as School Secretary and finally as School Travel Advisor for Hereford Council. In addition, she was Clerk to Stretton Grandison Parish Council for about thirty years and Clerk to Bosbury and Coddington Parish Council for about ten years. She led an active social life as a member of the Bosbury Players, Pax Singers and Greenwood Voices. For several years she was also a volunteer for Meals on Wheels and Bosbury Correspondent for the Ledbury Reporter.

Sven Bosley, the chairman of Bosbury Parish Council where Linda lived said:

"Linda did so much for the village. She had so much passion for her singing, and she was so important to the Bosbury Players as well. She was a linchpin of the village's artistic life. The thoughts of all of us are with the family at this time."