Dr Isaiah Durosaiye
School of Architecture and Landscape
Deputy Director Postgraduate Research (Recruitment, Admission and Scholarship)

+44 114 222 0368
Full contact details
School of Architecture and Landscape
Arts Tower
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
My research is concerned with ageing and the built environment and is underpinned by the person-environment fit theory. In particular, my research focuses on how human-environment interactions could support the health and wellbeing of older people. My work on age-friendly environments applies qualitative methods and post-occupancy evaluation as tools to understand and improve the built environment for older people.
For more than ten years, I have participated, and led work packages, in a number of UKRI-funded and EU-funded interdisciplinary research projects. Between July 2020 and June 2021 I was a Co-investigator on the AgeingHood project, a £100k AHRC-funded research that explored the intersection between ageing, housing and livelihood in marginalised communities in Bangkok, Thailand. As a co-investigator I led the co-design and participatory research activities on the project, with an outcome that contributed to the development of housing typologies for low-income groups in Bangkok. Between June 2022 and December 2022, as a follow-up to the AgeingHood project, I secured a further £30k AHRC follow-on funding for impact creation and knowledge exchange activities.
Between March 2015 and February 2018, I was a researcher in the €1m ESRC-funded ODESSA project on Optimising Care Delivery Models to Support Ageing-in-Place, including partners from China, France and the UK. I co-authored 3 peer-reviewed journal articles from the ODESSA project.
Prior to that, between March 2013 and September 2016, I worked as a researcher on an EU-funded research project, OIKONET, which was a €1m multidisciplinary housing research project involving 34 partners across Africa, Europe and South America. One of the outputs of the OIKONET project is a book I co-edited, entitled ‘Global Dwelling: Approaches to Sustainability, Design and Participation’.
- Qualifications
- PhD Architectural Design
- MSc Sustainable Waste Management
- BSc Civil Engineering
- Research interests
- Global population ageing and demographic trends
- Age-friendly and inclusive design
- Health and wellbeing of older people
- Sustainable design of the built environment
- Publications
Edited books
Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
- Grants
- Teaching interests
I am interested in teaching subjects about the environments of ageing.
- Teaching activities
As a researcher, most of my teaching activities are informed by my research. I teach Research Techniques and Academic Writing on the Communications Module to undergraduate students. I also teach topics informed by my research on the MSc in Sustainable Architectural Studies course and deliver a range of skills development workshops on the School’s PhD degree programme.
- Professional activities and memberships
- Member of the British Society of Gerontology
- Member of the Gerontological Society of America
- Member of AGE Platform Europe
- Member of the UKRI Talent Peer Review College
- Associate Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy
- Invitations
Apr 2017
- International Guest Lecturing, Budapest, Hungary:
- Invited to Budapest University of Technology and Economics to deliver a lecture to a group of 40 masters students studying Urban Design. Lecture topic: ‘Growing old in a Global City: Barriers and Enablers of Active and Healthy Ageing’
Nov 2016
- Mobilising the Potential of Active Ageing (MoPAct), Brussels, Belgium:
- Invited to MoPAct Final Conference, as a professional stakeholder, at which the findings of the project were presented.
Sep 2016
- OIKONET Project Final International Conference on ‘Global Dwelling’, Manchester, UK:
- Member of the Scientific and Organising Committee. Peer-reviewed conference papers and co-edited conference proceedings.
Sep 2015
- European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG), Gastein, Austria:
- Invited to be a panel discussant at the annual conference of EHFG. Topic: Impact of health and longevity on the European ageing workforce.
Apr 2015
- MoPAct, Tallinn, Estonia:
- Invited as a professional stakeholder, to contribute ideas and offer guidance to support project remit.
Mar 2015
- European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA), Brussels, Belgium:
- Invited as a panel discussant to contribute ideas on how ICT and the built environment may support older people.
Dec 2014
- AGE Platform Europe (AGE) Annual Conference, Brussels, Belgium:
- Nominated by British Society of Gerontology to represent BSG at the annual conference of AGE.
Sep 2014
- OIKONET Project First International Conference, Barcelona, Spain:
- Gave a presentation on Contemporary Housing Research and Design.