Phil Gill

School of Architecture and Landscape

Studio Tutor

Phil Gill
Profile picture of Phil Gill

Full contact details

Phil Gill
School of Architecture and Landscape
Arts Tower
Western Bank
S10 2TN

In his career as a chartered landscape architect Phil worked in both private practice and the public sector.  More recently, as Leisure and Green Spaces Manager at Rotherham Borough Council, he was responsible for services including parks, play, allotments, sports development, landscape, ecology, trees and woodlands.  Phil led on a range of projects including Rotherham’s first Green Spaces Strategy and the award-winning restoration of the town’s premier heritage park, as well as working on development and implementation of open space policy in the Borough’s Local Plan.

Teaching activities
LSC230 Ecological Processes, Design and Management
LSC6006 Managing the Landscape
LSC6007 Landscape Professional Practice