Dr Xiang Ren
B.Arch (1st), MA (Dist), PhD, FHEA
School of Architecture and Landscape
Lecturer in Architecture
Director of Space, Cultures and Politics research group

+44 114 222 0359
Full contact details
School of Architecture and Landscape
Arts Tower
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
I practise architecture from the late 2000s, started from the Stone Museum in Soochow and then completed several educational and workplace buildings as the project architect before receiving my PhD under the late professor Peter Blundell Jones at 葫芦影业.
My research and teaching lies in the search for the reinvention of the discipline of architecture from within its own traditions and contemporary ruins, that is centred on place and heritage, often with an East-West comparative study and an architectural-anthropological close-reading.
I serve as an international editor for the RIBA's Journal of Architecture, external examiner for PhD upgrade at the Architectural Association, and external panel for the Hong Kong Research Grants Council.
- Research interests
My fundamental research enquiry is about the driving force of architecture as both a profession and a discipline, on what is and will be the core disciplinary knowledge, considering both the practice-based nature of architecture and design, and the increasing tension between building and disciplinary knowledge.
I aim to construct non-canonical theories and modes of practices related to the foundations of the domain of architecture and its core disciplinary knowledge, through publications and practices. This is primarily based on a close reading and thick interpretation on the substance and process of architecture, its cultural meaning, its social construction, its varied tectonic and ritual forms, in a longer history and across a larger world.
I am particularly interested in understanding form, type, use, structure, plan, composition, material, tectonics, topography, atmosphere from non-canonical architectural histories and contemporary practices, and the relationships of these topics with other intellectual disciplinary settings and professional developments.
I have also maintained a long-time interest in pre-modern architecture, settlements and historical built environment in the contemporary cities, particularly within South and East Asian historical and cultural contexts. Specific themes include architectural anthropology, ancient archetypes, contemporary vernacular architecture, living architectural traditions and heritage, Modernism's other and its organic tradition, the East-West architectural encounter and interaction.
My PhD project focused on contemporary socially-engaged architecture and architects in traditional Chinese villages, using case study as the main method, intersecting social anthropology with design research methodologically. During my PhD I presented my research in various academic conferences and symposiums including UCD Dublin, KU Leuven Brussels, HKW Berlin, UPC Barcelona, Milano Polytechnic, University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. Two of my research works were shortlisted for RIBA Presidents Research Awards in 2014 and 2016.
PhD Supervision Interests
- Modernism's other and non-canonical architectural history and theory of 20th century
- Architectural, cultural and built heritage
- Architectural anthropology
- Vernacular, participative and socially-engaged architecture
- Conservation and regeneration of traditional settlements
- East-West studies in architecture and landscape
- Architecture and minority spaces
Current PhD Students
- Omid Ebrahimbaysalami (2022- ), PhD project – Modern Architectural Heritage in Iran (1925-1979) (second supervisor Dr Chengzhi Peng)
- Abhishek Bhutoria (2021- ), PhD project – Domesticities of Himalayan Villages in post-earthquake Nepal (second supervisor Dr Jan Woudstra)
- Chi-jen Li (2021- ), PhD project – Sun Xiaoxiang: The Life and Career of the First Chinese Landscape Architect (first supervisor Dr Jan Woudstra)
- Chen Zhang (2021- ), PhD project – Utopia or Heteorotopia: Chinese Urban Site Museum (first supervisor Russell Light)
- Yiwen Yan (2020- ), PhD project – Historic Urban Landscape Heritage, Hangzhou, China (first supervisor Dr Jan Woudstra)
Completed PhD Students
- Xiaolu Wang (2024), PhD project – Reinterpreting Foguang Monarstry, China's Most Celebrated Buddhist Building (co-supervisor Dr Jan Woudstra)
- Nural Mohamad (2024), PhD project – Julius Posener and Malaysian Architectural Education: humanistic values and intellectual legacy (first supervisor Prof. Renata Tyszczuk)
- Yang Yang (2023), PhD project – Hiroba-ka Open Space within Tokyo's Contemporary Architecture (second supervisor Dr Krzysztof Nawratek)
- Publications
Edited books
Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
Website content
Dictionary/encyclopaedia entries
- Research group
- Grants
- 2023-25, 'Decoding Dong in China', Endangered Wooden Architecture Programme Large Grant, PI
- 2022-23, 'Home-coming and Home-making: South-East Asian Diasporas in Europe', British Academy with Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, UK PI, in collaboration with Dr Victoria Sakti from Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Gottingen, Germany
- 2022-23, 'Asian Cultural Mobilities: Transitions, Encounters, Heritage', British Academy with Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, UK Co-PI, in collaboration with Dr Karen O’Brien-Kop from King's College London and Dr Alessandro Rippa from Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximilians Universit?t, Munich, Germany.
- 2022, 'Mapping Multiple Identities of London Chinatown', TUoS, PI
- 2022, 'Mapping Pandemic Domesticities of 葫芦影业', TUoS, PI
- 2020-23, Peter Blundell Jones Library, TUoS, PI
- 2019-21, ‘Place and Displacement: Micro-narratives of (un)settlement’, French Embassy in the UK, PI, in collaboration with Dr Jim Njoo from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-La Villette, France.
- 2019-20, ‘Conservation and Regeneration of Chinese Ancestral Hall in Zhejiang Province’, WUN, PI, in collaboration with Prof. Yong He from Zhejiang University.
- 2018, ‘New Workplace and Education Building Typologies in London, Oxford and Cambridge’, funded from industry, PI
- 2016, ‘Hybrid Building and Hybrid Practitioner’, RIBA President's Medal for Research, Shortlisted
- 2016, ‘Understanding and Transforming Chinese Rural Villages’, GBCET/UCCL, winner
- 2016, ‘Park Hill’, Denis Mason Jones Award, RIBA/WYSA, winner
- 2016, ‘Writing Buildings’, CREAte (University of Kent)/Architectural Review, travel grant winner
- 2016, ‘Habits, Beliefs, and Tacit Knowledge: Everyday Ritual in East Asian Villages’, PGR Forum Funding TUoS, winner
- 2015, ‘Housing System’, Wohnungsfrage Academy, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Germany, selected participant
- 2015, ‘Sharing Futures’, ESRC/University of Birmingham, selected participant
- 2014, ‘Stereotomics, Tectonics and Material Presence’, RIBA President's Medal for Master's Dissertation, Shortlisted (national 1 of 4 finalist) following School nomination
- Teaching interests
I contribute to the undergraduate architectural humanities lectures at various levels, mentor postgraduate Live Projects, have a M.Arch dissertation group, and lead a MA design studio.
My design studio focuses on the design conservation and regeneration of built heritage in changing contexts, based on the deep reading and reinterpreting of the site and place.
- Teaching activities
I have been the module leader for:
- ARC 204 Humanities 4 – Issues in Contemporary Architecture
- ARC 6874 Conservation and Regeneration: Principles and Approaches
- ARC 6986 Architectural Design Project
- ARC 6988 Thesis Project
I also give lectures to:
- ARC 103 Humanities 1 – Manifestos
- ARC 104 Humanities 2 – Architecture and Society
- ARC6983 Participation in Architecture and Urban Design
- ARC6975 Trajectories in Urban Design Practice
I supervise a large group of dissertation students for:
- ARC 322 Special Studies
- ARC 556 MArch Dissertation
- ARC 6988 MA Thesis Project
Apart from my curriculum involvements, I am a core member of the longstanding academic unit, East-West Studies in Architecture and Landscape, established by the late Professor Peter Blundell Jones with Dr. Jan Woudstra from Department of Landscape since early 2000s.
The regular East-West Seminars and newly-branded Peter Blundell Jones Memorial Lecture Series involves students across the School and the Department of Landscape, with leading academics and practitioners from China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Turkey.
- Professional activities and memberships
Academic reviewer
Bloomsbury (2019); Routledge (2019); The Journal of Architecture (2018; 2020;
2021; 2022); Architecture and Culture (2019); Home Cultures (2021); Sage OPEN
(2021); Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (2021); European
Planning Studies (2021)Design reviewer
University of Loughborough, Part 1 (2018; 2020); Tongji University, B.Arch (2021); Zhejiang University and Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, MA (2021); Nanjing University, M.Arch (2021)
Invited lectureChinese University of Hong Kong (2021); Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-La Villette (2021) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2022) China's Central Academy of Fine Arts (2022)
Design consultancy
Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy, Washington D.C (2019);
Horizon new Headquarter, China (2020)Academic organizer
Peter Blundell Jones Memorial Travel Grant (2020–);
Peter Blundell Jones Memorial Lecture Series (2018–);Academic membership
Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative (GAHTC) member (2019–);
European Architectural History Network (EAHN) member (2018–);
Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) member (2014–);