Faculty research themes
Our faculty themes reflect, inform and underpin our research, learning and teaching activity.

Engaged humanities
We have a proud record of engaging the wider community in our research and teaching, from strategic partnerships with major institutions such as Chatsworth House and the National Civil War Centre, to collaborations with diverse local civic groups. We share the design and delivery of projects to produce high quality work that has impact and relevance.
In practice
To understand a city one needs to study both the stories of local lives, and the spaces within them. Storying ºù«Ӱҵ is about narrative, community, wellbeing, mental health and place.
Political and social change
Using a diversity of methods, our approach to political and social cultures is always collaborative and often international. The big issues that we address transcend intellectual and national boundaries. Our research and teaching is designed to be mutually beneficial, enriching the experience of our academics while providing added value to our partners.
In practice
Seeking to foster interdisciplinary dialogue between scholars from the Soviet Union, Asia, Europe and the United States, working on different aspects of the Cold War.
Digital humanities
By developing digital technologies, we are transforming research and teaching in the Arts and Humanities. ºù«Ӱҵ’s academics are pioneering new perspectives and opening up new intellectual territory. We are devising tools to provide the widest possible access to material and creative thinking, and tackling the big issues of identity, cultural memory and intellectual property.
In practice
The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913 is a database of the largest body of texts detailing the lives of non-elite people ever published, containing 197,745 criminal trials held at London's central criminal court.
Cognitive practice
Our studies of how humans gain knowledge and understanding – and the mental processes that stimulate creativity and help shape our beliefs and attitudes – is a collaborative process that crosses disciplinary boundaries. Whether we are grappling with intractable philosophical issues, or finding a common language between linguists and digital modellers, our academics know the value of working together.
In practice
Supporting collaborative research on fundamental issues concerning the nature of cognition.
Diversities of practice
Within our disciplines we emphasise variety, breadth, risk-taking and difference. Diversity characterises our understanding of the Arts and Humanities and encompasses our practices, our modes of teaching and research, and our approaches to our Faculty Themes and their practical and intellectual applications.
In practice
Combining expertise and methodologies from music theory, psychology and computer science to investigate cognitive processes underlying the perception and performance of music.