Professor Glynis Jones

BSc, MPhil, PhD

School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities

Emeritus Professor of Archaeology

Professor Glynis Jones
Profile picture of Professor Glynis Jones
+44 114 222 2904

Full contact details

Professor Glynis Jones
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
Minalloy House
10-16 Regent Street
S1 3NJ

After graduating with a degree in zoology from Cardiff, I worked as a science teacher in the UK and Greece for some years before joining the British School at Athens as a research assistant in archaeological materials science at the Fitch Laboratory.

I returned to Britain in 1978 to undertake an MPhil, followed by a PhD, in Archaeology, at the University of Cambridge.

I then worked as an environmental archaeologist at the Department of Urban Archaeology, Museum of London, a post I left to take up my current position at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ in 1984.

  • Fellow of the British Academy
  • PhD in Archaeology – Cambridge University
  • MPhil in Archaeology – Cambridge University
  • Certificate in Education â€“ Cardiff University
  • BSc Honours in Zoology – Cardiff University
Research interests
  • The origins and spread of agriculture
  • The investigation of crop domestication and spread through DNA analysis
  • Ecological approaches to crop domestication
  • The use of weed ecology in the identification of crop husbandry practices
  • Stable isotopes as a method for identifying the intensity of crop cultivation practices
  • Dating the spread of crops through Europe
  • The role of crop cultivation in the Neolithic to Iron Age in Britain/Europe
  • Ethnoarchaeological approaches to the investigation of early farming

Current research projects

  • Life in a cold climate: the adaptation of cereals to new environments (ERC project) with Prof. T. Brown, Dr. H. Jones and Dr. P. Pearman.
  • Evolutionary origins of agriculture (ERC project) with Dr. C. Osborne, Prof. T.A. Brown (Manchester), Dr. M. Charles, Prof. M. Rees, Dr. N. Fieller and Dr. E. Stillman.
  • Origin of agriculture: an ecological perspective on crop domestication (NERC project) with Dr. M. Charles, Prof. C. Osborne and Prof. M. Rees.
  • Agricultural Origins of Urban Civilisation (ERC project) with Dr. A. Bogaard and Dr. J Hodgson.
  • Crop stable isotope ratios: new approaches to palaeodietary and agricultural reconstruction (NERC project) with Dr. A Bogaard (Oxford), Dr. T. Heaton (NIGL), Prof. R. Evershed (Bristol) and Dr. M. Charles.
  • Identifying ancient land use through the functional ecology of crop weeds (NERC project) with Dr. M. Charles and Dr. J. Hodgson.
Research group

Current Research Students

  • Victoria Knowles- "The Marketisation of Agriculture: The archaeobotanical evidence for the development of a market economy for arable agricultural and horticultural products in Britain and Central Europe during the Roman and medieval period"
  • Victoria Newson- "The Interaction Between Olive Oil and Wine Production Sites in the Southern Levant: a Detailed Computational, Climatological and Trade Based Analysis"
Professional activities and memberships
  • Member of the British School at Athens Council (Trustee)
  • Member of the British Academy Archaeology Standing Committee
  • Vice-President of the British School at Athens
  • Fellow of the British Academy
  • Member of the NERC Peer Review College
  • Member of the REF 2014 sub-panel for Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology.
  • Member of the ERC starting grant 2013 evaluation panel.
  • Member of the British School at Athens Laboratory sub-committee
  • Member of the Association for Environmental Archaeology.
  • Member of the editorial board of Journal of Archaeological Science.
  • British representative on the steering panel for the International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP).
Selected Publications

Edited Books

  • 2001 (with S. Jacomet, M. Charles and F. Bittmann) Archaeology of Plants. Berlin: Springer.

  • 1998 (with M. Charles and P. Halstead) Fodder: Archaeological, Historical and Ethnographic Studies.  Oxford: Oxbow

Research Articles

  • 2019 (with B.I. Czajkowska and T.A. Brown) . PLoS ONE 14(12): e0225899

  • 2019 (with E.K. Nitsch, A. Sarpaki, M.M. Hald and A. Bogaard) , in D. Garcia, R. Orgeolet, M. Pomadère and J. Zurbach (eds.) Country in the City. Agricultural Functions of Protohistoric Urban Settlements (Aegean and Western Mediterranean).

  • 2019 (with B.I. Czajkowska and T.A. Brown) . PLoS ONE 14(6): e0218526.

  • 2019 (with M. Wallace, E. Forster, M. Charles, E. Stillman, V. Bonhomme, A. Livarda, C. Osborne, M. Rees, G. Frenck and C. Preece) . Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 28: 449-63. 

  • 2018 (with R. Milla, J.M. Bastida, M.M.Turcotte, C. Violle, C.P. Osborne, J. Chacón-Labella, E.E. Sosinski Jr., J. Kattge, D. C. Laughlin, Ê. Forey, V. Minden, J.H.C. Cornelissen, B. Amiaud, K. Kramer, G. Boenisch, T. He, V.D. Pillar and C. Byun) . Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 1808-17. 

  • 2018 (with C. Preece, N.F. Clamp, G. Warham, M. Charles, M. Rees and C.P. Osborne). . Journal of Ecology 106: 1286-97. 

  • 2017 (with V. Bonhomme, E. Forster, M. Wallace, E. Stillman, M. Charles) . Journal of Archaeological Science 86: 60-7.

  • 2017 (with A. Bogaard) , Chapter 25 (pp. 221-6) in P. Rowley-Conwy, D. Serjeantson and P. Halstead (eds.) Economic Zooarchaeology: Studies in Hunting, Herding and Early Agriculture. Oxford: Oxbow.

  • 2017 (with T. Kluyver, B. Pujol, C. Bennett, E. Mockford, M. Charles, M. Rees and C. Osborne) . Evolution Letters 1: 64-72. 

  • 2017 (J.G. Hodgson, B.A. Santini Gonzalez, G. Montserrat Marti, F. Royo Pla, A. Bogaard, M. Charles, X. Font, M. Ater, A. Taleb, P. Poschlod, Y. Hmimsa, C. Palmer, P.J. Wilson, S.R. Band, S. Styring, C. Diffey, L. Green, E. Nitsch, E. Stroud, G. Warham) Annals of Botany. 120: 633-52. 

  • 2017 (with C. Preece, A. Livarda, P.-A. Christin, M. Wallace, G. Martin, M. Charles, M. Rees and C. Osborne) Functional Ecology 31: 387-97.

  • 2017 (with J. Cunniff, M. Charles and C.P. Osborne) . Global Change Biology. 380-93.

  • 2016 (with A. Bogaard, A. Styring, M. Ater, Y. Hmimsa, L. Green, E. Stroud, J. Whitlam, C. Diffey, E. Nitsch, M. Charles and J. Hodgson) , in I. Mainland, P. Ascough, M. Balasse and A. Newton (eds.) From Isoscapes to Farmscapes. Environmental Archaeology (special issue).

  • 2016 (with J. Cunniff, M. Charles and C.P. Osborne) . Annals of Botany 118: 1163-73.

  • 2016 (with A. Bogaard, J. Hodgson, E. Nitsch, A. Styring, C. Diffy, J. Pouncett, C. Herbig, M. Charles, F. Ertug, T. Osman, D. Filipovic and R. Fraser) . Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 25: 57-73. 

  • 2015 (with M. Charles, E. Forster and M. Wallace) . Science and Technology of Archaeological Research

  • 2015 (with W.P. Wallace, M. Charles, R. Fraser, T.H.E. Heaton and A. Bogaard) . PLoS ONE 10(6): e0127085. 

  • 2015 (with C. Preece, A. Livarda, M. Wallace, G. Martin, M. Charles, P.-A. Christine, M. Rees and C. Osborne) New Phytologist 207: 905-13.

  • 2014 (with J. Cunniff, S. Wilkinson, M. Charles, M. Rees and C. Osborne) . PLoS ONE 9(1): e87586. 

  • 2014 (with J.G. Hodgson, J. Tallowin, R.L.H. Denn, K. Thompson, P. Poschlod, M.S. Dhanoa, M. Charles, P. Wilson, S.R. Band, A. Bogaard, C. Palmer, G. Carter and A. Hynd) . Functional Ecology 28: 1284-91.

  • 2013 (with A. Bogaard, M. Charles, A. Livarda, M. Ergun and D. Filipovic) The archaeobotany of mid-later occupation levels at neolithic at Çatalhöyük, in I. Hodder (ed.) Humans and Landscapes of Çatalhöyük: reports from the 2000-2008 Seasons (Çatalhöyük research project vol. 8). Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press.

  • 2013 (with S. Andreou, C. Heron, V. Kiriatzi, K. Psaraki, M. Roumpou and S. Valamoti) Smelly barbarians or perfumed natives? An investigation of oil and ointment use in Late Bronze Age northern Greece, in S. Voutsaki and S.-M. Valamoti (eds.), Diet, Economy and Society in the Ancient Greek World: Towards a Better Integration of Archaeology and Science. Peeters: 173-86.

  • 2013 (with M. Charles, M. Jones, S. Colledge, F. Leigh, D. Lister, L. Smith, W. Powell, T.A. Brown and H. Jones) . Antiquity 87: 701-13.

  • 2013 (with A. Bogaard, R.A. Fraser, T.H.E. Heaton, M. Wallace, P.Vaiglova, M. Charles, R. Evershed, A. Styring, R.-M. Arbogast, L. Bartosiewicz, A. Gardeisen, M. Kanstrup, U. Maier, E. Marinova, L. Ninov, M. Schäfer and E.Stephan) . PNAS 110: 12589-94.

  • 2013 (with T.A. Kluyver, M. Charles, M. Rees, and C.P. Osborne) Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 4101-8.

  • 2013 (with M. Wallace, M. Charles, R. Fraser, P. Halstead, T.H.E. Heaton and A. Bogaard) . World Archaeology 45: 388-409.

  • 2013 (with A. Styring, H. Manning, R. Fraser, M. Wallace, M. Charles, T. Heaton, A. Bogaard, and R. Evershed) . Journal of Archaeological Science 40: 4767-79.

  • 2013 (with R. Fraser, A. Bogaard, M. Charles, A Styring, M. Wallace, P. Ditchfield, T.H.E. Heaton) . Journal of Archaeological Science 40: 4751-66.

  • 2012 (with H. Jones, M. Charles, S. Colledge, M. Jones, F. Leigh, D. Lister, W. Powell, L. Smith and T.A. Brown) . Journal of Archaeological Science 39: 3230-8.

  • 2012 (with S.L. Bunning and T.A. Brown) . Journal of Archaeological Science 39: 2780-4.

  • 2012 (with F.J. Leigh, H.R. Oliveira, I. Mackay, H. Jones, L. Smith, P. Wolters, M. Charles, M. Jones, W. Powell and T.A. Brown) . Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 60

  • 2011 (with H. Jones, P. Civán, J. Cockram, F.J. Leigh, L.M.J. Smith, M.K. Jones, M.P. Charles, J.-L. Molina-Cano, W. Powell and T.A. Brown) . BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 320.

  • 2011 (with J.G. Hodgson, G. Montserrat-Martí, M. Charles, P. Wilson, B. Shipley, M. Sharafi, B.E.L. Cerabolini, J.H.C. Cornelissen, S.R. Band, A. Bogaard, P. Castro-Díez, J. Guerrero-Campo, C. Palmer, M.C. Pérez-Rontomé, G. Carter, A. Hynd, A. Romo-Díaz, L. de Torres Espuny and F. Royo Pla) Annals of Botany 108: 1337-45.

  • 2011 (with R. Fraser, A. Bogaard, T. Heaton, M. Charles, B. Christensen, P. Halstead, I. Merbach, P. Poulton, D. Sparkes and A.K. Styring) . Journal of Archaeological Science 38: 2790-804. 

  • 2010 (with J.G. Hodgson, M. Sharafi, A. Jalili, S. Díaz,  G. Montserrat-Martí, C. Palmer, B. Cerabolini, S. Pierce, B. Hamzehee, Y. Asri, Z. Jamzad, P. Wilson, F. Zarrinkamar, J. Raven, S.R. Band, S. Basconcelo, A. Bogaard,  G. Carter, M. Charles, P. Castro-Díez, J.H.C. Cornelissen, G. Funes, G. Jones, M. Khoshnevis, N. Pérez-Harguindeguy, M.C. Pérez-Rontomé, F.A. Shirvany, F. Vendramini, S. Yazdani, R. Abbas-Azimi, S. Boustani, M. Dehghan, A. Hynd, E. Kowsary, F. Kazemi-Saeed, B. Siavash, P. Villar-Salvador, R. Craigie, A. Naqinezhad, A. Romo-Díez, L. de Torres Espuny, E. Simmons) Annals of Botany 105: 573-84.

  • 2010 (with S. Valamoti) . Annual of the British School at Athens 105: 83-96.

  • 2010 (with J. Cunniff, M. Charles and C. Osborne) Environmental Archaeology 15: 113-23. 

  • 2010 (with M. Charles, A. Bogaard and J. Hodgson) . Journal of Archaeological Science 37: 70-7. 

  • 2009 (with K.C. Twiss, A. Bogaard, M. Charles, J. Henecke, N. Russell and L. Martin). .  Current Archaeology 50: 885-95. 

  • 2009 (with T. H. Heaton, P. Halstead and T. Tsipropoulos) . Journal of Archaeological Science 36: 2224-33. 

  • 2009 (with D.L. Lister, S. Thaw, M.A. Bower, H. Jones, M. Charles, L.M.J. Smith, C.J Howe, T.A. Brown and M.K. Jones) . Journal of Archaeological Science 36: 1092-8. 

  • 2008 (with A.J. Legge) Evaluating the role of cereal cultivation in the neolithic: charred plant remains from Hambledon Hill, in R. Mercer and F. Healy Hambledon Hill, Dorset, England.  Excavation and Survey of a Neolithic Monument Complex and its Surrounding Landscape.  English Heritage: 469-76.

  • 2008 (with A. Bogaard and J. Bending) Crop husbandry and its social significance in the Körös and LBK periods, in D. Bailey and A. Whittle (eds.) Living Well Together: Settlement, Materiality and Subsistence in Neolithic and Copper Age south-east Europe. Oxbow: 131-8. 

  • 2008 (with H. Jones, F.J. Leigh, I. Mackay, M.A. Bower, L.M.J. Smith, M.P. Charles, M.K. Jones, T.A. Brown and W. Powell) . Molecular Biology and Evolution 25: 2211-9

  • 2008 (with J. Cunniff, C.P. Osborne, B.S. Ripley and M. Charles) . Global Change Biology 14: 576-87. 

  • 2007 (with P.A. Rowley-Conwy) , in S. Colledge and J. Conolly (eds.) The Origins and Spread of Domestic Plants Southwest Asia and Europe.  Left Coast Press: 391-419. 

  • 2007 (with A. Bogaard)   in A. Whittle (ed.) Going Over: the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in North-west Europe.  Proceedings of the British Academy 144: 357-75. 

  • 2007 (with A. Bogaard and J. Bending) Archaeobotanical evidence for plant husbandry and use (Chapter 23), in A. Whittle (ed.) The Early Neolithic on the Great Hungarian Plain: Investigations of the Körös Culture site of Ecsegfalva 23, County Békés. Publicationes Instituti Archaeologici Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Budapestini: 421-45. 

  • 2007 (with M. van der Veen) The production and consumption of cereals: a question of scale, in C. Hazelgrove and T. Moore (eds.) The Later Iron Age in Britain and Beyond. Oxbow Books: 419-29. 

  • 2006 (with M. van der Veen) . Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 15: 217-28. 

  • 2006 Cereal processing, household space and crop husbandry, in C. Evans and I. Hodder, Marshland Communities and Cultural Landscapes: from the Bronze Age to Present Day. The Haddenham Project vol. 2.  McDonald Institute and English Heritage: 248-55. 

  • 2006 Charred plant remains from the causewayed enclosure, in C. Evans and I. Hodder, A Woodland Archaeology: Neolithic Sites at Haddenham.  The Haddenham Project vol. 1. McDonald Institute and English Heritage: 312-5. 

  • 2005 (with M. Charles, A. Bogaard, J. Hodgson and C. Palmer) . Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 14: 493-504. 

  • 2005 (with A. Bogaard and M. Charles) . Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 14: 505-9. 

  • 2005 (with S. Valamoti) Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 14: 571-7. 

  • 2005 . World Archaeology 37: 164-76.

  • 2005 (with Díaz, S., Hodgson, J.G., Thompson, K., Cabido, M., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Jalili, A., Montserrat-Martí, G., Grime, J.P., Zarrinkamar, F., Asri, Y., Band, S.R., Basconcelo, S., Castro-Díez, P., Funes, G., Hamzehee, B., Khoshnevis, M., Pérez-Harguindeguy, N., Pérez-Rontomé, M.C., Shirvany, F.A., Vendramini, F., Yazdani, S., Abbas-Azimi, R., Bogaard, A., Boustani, S., Charles, M., Dehghan, M., de Torres, L., Guerrero-Campo, J., Hynd, A., Kowsary, E., Kazemi-Saeed, F., Maestro-Martínez, M., Romo-Díez, A., Shaw, S., Siavash, B., Villar-Salvador, P. and Zak, M.R.J)  Biological Conservation 122: 263-73. 

  • 2004 (with Díaz, S., Hodgson, J.G., Thompson, K., Cabido, M., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Jalili, A., Montserrat-Martí, G., Grime, J.P., Zarrinkamar, F., Asri, Y., Band, S.R., Basconcelo, S., Castro-Díez, P., Funes, G., Hamzehee, B., Khoshnevis, M., Pérez-Harguindeguy, N., Pérez-Rontomé, M.C., Shirvany, F.A., Vendramini, F., Yazdani, S., Abbas-Azimi, R., Bogaard, A., Boustani, S., Charles, M., Dehghan, M., de Torres, L., Guerrero-Campo, J., Hynd, A., Kowsary, E., Kazemi-Saeed, F., Maestro-Martínez, M., Romo-Díez, A., Shaw, S., Siavash, B., Villar-Salvador, P. and Zak, M.R.J.) Journal of Vegetation Science 15: 295-304. 

  • 2003 (with S. Valamoti) .  Journal of the British School at Athens 98: 1-35. 

  • 2003 (with M. Charles, C. Hoppé, A. Bogaard and J. Hodgson) . Journal of Archaeological Science 30: 1429-41. 

  • 2003 The charred plant remains from Baleshare and Hornish Point, chapter 12 in J. Barber, (SAIR3).  

  • 2002 Weed ecology as a method for the archaeobotanical recognition of crop husbandry practices. Acta Palaeobotanica 42: 185-93.

  • 2002 (with M. Charles, A. Bogaard, J. Hodgson and P. Halstead) . Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 11: 133-42. 

  • 2001 (with A. Bogaard, M. Charles and P. Halstead) The scale and intensity of cultivation: evidence from weed ecology, in C. Frederick and P. Halstead (eds.) Postglacial Landscape and Land Use in Greece.  ºù«Ӱҵ: 129-34. 

  • 2001 (with A. Bogaard, M. Charles and J. Hodgson) . Journal of Archaeological Science 28: 1171-83. 

  • 2000 Evaluating the importance of cultivation and collecting in neolithic Britain, in A. Fairbairn (ed.) Plants in the Neolithic of Britain and Beyond.  Oxford: 79-84. 

  • 2000 (with A. Bogaard, M. Charles and J. Hodgson) . Journal of Archaeological Science 27: 1073-84.

  • 2000 (with S. Valamoti and M. Charles) . Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 9: 133-46.

  • 1999 (with A. Bogaard, P. Halstead, M. Charles and H. Smith) .  Annual of the British School at Athens 94: 167-89.

  • 1999 (with A. Bogaard, C. Palmer, M. Charles and J.G. Hodgson) .  Journal of Archaeological Science 26: 1211-24.

  • 1999 (with T.A. Brown, R.G. Allaby and R. Sallares) Ancient DNA in charred wheats: taxonomic identification of mixed and single grains.  Ancient Biomolecules 2: 185-93.

  • 1998 Environmental Archaeology 2: 29-34.

  • 1998 , in M. Charles, P. Halstead and G. Jones (eds.) Fodder: Archaeological, Historical and Ethnographic Studies. Environmental Archaeology 1: 95-98.

  • 1997 (with M. Charles and J. G. Hodgson) . Journal of Archaeological Science 24: 1151-61.

  • 1995 . Annual of the British School at Athens 90: 235-8.

  • 1995 (with M. Charles, S. Colledge and P. Halstead) Towards the archaeobotanical recognition of winter cereal irrigation: an investigation of modern weed ecology in northern Spain, in H. Kroll and R. Pasternak (eds.) Res Archaeobotanicae: 9th Symposium IWGP.  Kiel: 49-68.

  • 1995 (with P. Halstead) . Journal of Archaeological Science 22: 103-14.

  • 1995 An ethnoarchaeological investigation of the effects of cereal grain sieving.  Circaea 12: 177-182.

  • 1993 Phytosociology and the archaeological recognition of crop husbandry practices, in H. Demiriz and N. Özhatay (eds.) OPTIMA Proceedings of the 5th Meeting, Istanbul 8-15 Sept. 1986.  Istanbul: 279-98.

  • 1993 (with P. Halstead) .  Annual of the British School at Athens 88: 1-3.

  • 1993 (with R. Moss) The charred plant remains from prehistoric contexts, in P. Ellis (ed.) Beeston Castle, Cheshire: a report on the excavations 1968-1985 by Laurence Keen and Peter Hough.  HBMC archaeological report no. 23: 80-3 (+ fiche).

  • 1993 (with P. Halstead) . Annual of the British School at Athens 88: 103-4.

  • 1992Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 73: 133-43.

  • 1992 . Annual of the British School at Athens 87:  211-7.

  • 1991 Numerical analysis in archaeobotany, in W. van Zeist, K. Wasylikowa and K.-E. Behre (eds.) Progress in Old World Palaeoethnobotany.  Rotterdam: 63-80. 

  • 1991 (with V. Straker and A. Davis) Early Medieval plant use and ecology, in A.G. Vince (ed.) Aspects of Saxon and Norman London 2: Finds and Environmental Evidence.  London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Special Paper 12: 347-85.

  • 1990 (with A. Sarpaki) .  Annual of the British School at Athens 85: 363-8.

  • 1990 (with H. Smith) . Journal of Archaeological Science 17: 317-27.

  • 1990 (with S. Boardman) . Journal of Archaeological Science 17: 1-11.

  • 1989 The charred plant remains, in S. Lobb and G.G. Astill, Excavation of prehistoric, Roman  and Saxon deposits at Wraysbury, Berkshire.  Archaeological Journal 146:  124-8.  (and A.M. Lab. report no. 7/88).

  • 1989 (with A. Milles)  Iron Age, Romano-British and Medieval plant remains, in W.J. Britnell, The Collfryn hillslope enclosure, Llansantffraid Deuddwr, Powys: Excavations 1980-1982. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 55.

  • 1989 (with P. Halstead) . Journal of Hellenic Studies 109: 41-55.

  • 1988 The application of present-day cereal processing studies to charred archaeobotanical remains.  Circaea 6: 91-6.

  • 1987 The plant remains, in D. Garton, Dunston's Clump and the brickwork plan field systems, Nottinghamshire: Excavations 1981. Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire: 58-63 (and A.M. Lab. report no. 4974).

  • 1987 . Annual of the British School at Athens 82:  115-23.

  • 1987 (with A. J. Legge) . Antiquity 61:  452-5.

  • 1987 . Journal of Archaeological Science 14: 311-23.

  • 1986 (with K. A. Wardle, P. Halstead and D. Wardle) Crop storage at Assiros. Scientific American 254 (3):  96-103.

  • 1986 The carbonised plant remains from Meare West 2, in J. M. Coles (ed.) Somerset Levels Papers 12:  57-60.

  • 1985 (with P. Rowley-Conwy) Agricultural diversity and sub-Alpine colonisation:  spatial analysis of plant remains from Fiavè, in C. Malone and S. Stoddart (eds.) Papers in Italian Archaeology IV Part (ii).  (BAR Int. Series 244).  Oxford:  282-95.

  • 1985 J (with K. Badham) An experiment in manual processing of soil samples for plant remains. Circaea 3 (1):  15-26.

  • 1984 (with A. Milles) Plant remains from Arddleen, in W. J. Britnell and C. R. Musson, Rescue excavations at a Romano-British double-ditched enclosure at Arddleen, Llandrinio, Northern Powys.  Archaeologia Cambrensis 133:  96-7.

  • 1984 (with A. Milles) Charred plant remains, in W.J. Britnell, A 15th century corn-drying kiln from Collfryn, Llansantffraid Deuddwr, Powys.  Medieval Archaeology 28:  192-3.

  • 1984 The LMII plant remains, in M. R. Popham The Minoan Unexplored Mansion, Knossos (BSA Supplementary volume).  London:  303-6.

  • 1984 Interpretation of archaeological plant remains:  ethnographic models from Greece, in W. van Zeist and W. A. Casparie (eds.) Plants and Ancient Man:  Studies in Palaeoethnobotany.  Rotterdam:  43-61.

  • 1983 . Archaeological Review from Cambridge 2 (2):  17-26. 

  • 1982 (with P. Halstead and I. Hodder) Chapter 6:  Within-site patterning - Iron Age, in I. Hodder The Archaeology of the M11:  Excavations at Wendens Ambo.  London:  55-8

  • 1982 (with P. Halstead and V. Morse) Chapter 5:  The carbonised seeds, in I. Hodder The Archaeology of the M11:  Excavations at Wendens Ambo.  London:  50-4.

  • 1982 (with K. Baxevani and P. Halstead) Sóste spórous.  ´¡²Ô³Ù³ó°ù´Ç±è´Ç±ô´Ç²µ¾±°ìá 3:  86-7.

  • 1982 Cereal and pulse remains from Protogeometric and Geometric Iolkos, Thessaly. ´¡²Ô³Ù³ó°ù´Ç±è´Ç±ô´Ç²µ¾±°ìá 3:  75-8.

  • 1981 The carbonised plant remains, B. J. Orme et al., Meare Village West, 1979, in J. M. Coles (ed.)  Somerset Levels Papers 7:  33-5.

  • 1981 Crop processing at Assiros Toumba - a taphonomic study. Zeitschrift für Archäologie 15:  105-11.

  • 1980 (with P. Halstead) Early Neolithic economy in Thessaly - some evidence from excavations at Prodromos.  ´¡²Ô³Ù³ó°ù´Ç±è´Ç±ô´Ç²µ¾±°ìá 1:  93-117.

  • 1980 (with P. Halstead) Bioarchaeological remains from Assiros Toumba, in K. A. Wardle, Excavations at Assiros 1975-9. Annual of the British School at Athens 75:  265-7.

  • 1979 The animal remains, in H. W. Catling et al., Knossos 1975. Annual of the British School at Athens 74:  78-9.

  • 1978 Bone report, in P. Callaghan, KRS 1976:  Excavations at a shrine of Glaukos, Knossos. Annual of the British School at Athens 73:  29-30

  • 1978 (with P. Halstead and I. Hodder) Behavioural archaeology and refuse patterns:  a case study.  Norwegian Archaeological Review 11:  118-31.