Professor Andrew Fleming
School of Biosciences
Chair in Plant Science

+44 114 222 4830
Full contact details
School of Biosciences
Alfred Denny Building
Western Bank
S10 2TN
- Profile
- Faculty Director of Research & Innovation (2021-present)
- Professor of Plant Science, University of 葫芦影业 (2004-present)
- Group Leader, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland (1998-2004)
- Senior Assistant, University of Bern, Switzerland (1997-8)
- Habilitation, University of Bern, Switzerland (1996)
- Assistant, University of Bern, Switzerland (1989-1997)
- Postdoctorate, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland (1988)
- PhD Cambridge (1988)
- BA Cambridge (1984)
- Research interests
Our research is focused on understanding the mechanism of leaf development. In particular, we are interested in the interplay of cell growth and division, how these parameters are integrated into the developmental program controlling leaf structure, and the impact the resultant internal cellular architecture has on leaf function- particularly photosynthesis and water-use efficiency.
We take an integrated systems approach, using experimental data derived from advanced imaging, biochemistry and physiology to inform computational models, which we then use to develop testable hypotheses on how structure relates to function, utilising a range of genetic and experimental approaches to alter specific elements of the modelled system.
We have developed a keen interest in guard cells, working closely with the Gray lab and other partners to investigate how cell wall structure sets the limits for stomatal function and, thus, gas exchange in leaves. This work extends to seeking to understand how stomatal and mesophyll differentiation are co-ordinated, how mesophyll air space is formed, and the control of mesophyll cell shape and separation. Our most recent work extends to wall structure at the nanoscale via collaborations with the Hobbs and Amsbury groups.
These projects have allowed us to form valuable collaborations with colleagues around the globe with a view to potential applications of our research, with ongoing work in the UK looking at wheat leaf development and water-use, and research on sustainable rice production with researchers in China and Malaysia.
- Publications
Show: Featured publications All publications
Featured publications
Journal articles
All publications
Journal articles
Conference proceedings papers
- Research group
Research Fellows
- Sam Amsbury (BBSRC Discovery Fellow) Untangling the Plant Cell Wall
Postdoctoral Researchers
- Matthew Wilson (BBSRC) - Shape Shifting Stomata: The Role of Geometry in Plant Cell Function
- Jen Sloan (Royal Society)- Breeding Rice Resilient to a High CO2 Future
Research Technicians
- Marion Bauch (Research Lab Manager): Shape Shifting Stomata
- Jodie Armand (Research Technician): Shape Shifting Stomata
PhD students
- Sarah Carroll (BBSRC-DTP) - Shifting shape with cell walls: imaging the dynamics of guard cell movement (co-supervisor Julie Gray)
- Shiv Gangarparsad (Leverhulme CABM) Spatiotemporal modelling of air channel network function and optimisation (co-supervisors Visakan Kadirkamana & Bryn Jones)
- Shauni McGregor (BBSRC-DTP) Investigating the structure of grass stomatal cell walls (co-supervisor Julie Gray)
- Tom Grand (BBSRC CASE with AHDB) The mechanism of cell cycle repression by sprouting inhibitors (co-supervisor Lisa Smith)
- Saranrat Im-Chai (Thai Government) Using metabolite imaging to test a 3D spatial model of photosynthesis
- James Pitman (BBSRC CASE with AHDB) From metabolic markers to growth suppression in potato (co-supervisor Heather Walker)
- Shanshan Wang Improving photosynthesis and water-use efficiency in rice
- Emma White (BBSRC CASE with RAGT Seeds) Improving water-use efficiency in wheat by modulating leaf structure
MRes and MBiol Sci students
- Alexander Williams
- Inesh Amaranth
- Qi Ngai
- Grants
- BBSRC Newton Trust, A 3-D model of photosynthesis to Inform breeding for improved rice performance in a changing climate (2016-2019)
- Wolfson Foundation, Plant Phenotyping Platform (2016-2017)
- BBSRC-iCASE Award, Engineering the rice leaf for improved photosynthesis (2016-2020)
- BBSRC-iCASE Award, Imaging Metabolism in Plants (2016-2019)
- BBSRC-iCASE Award, Engineering a better wheat leaf (2015-2019)
- BBSRC-CASE award, Developmental metabolomics of the meristem (2014-2018)
- Gatsby Foundation, Optimising leaf structure for photosynthesis (2013-2017)
- BBSRC-CASE award, Optimisation of crop leaf form for improved photosynthesis (2012-2016)
- BBSRC, Optimising photosynthetic efficiency via leaf structure (2012-2015)
- BBSRC Industrial Partnership Award, Atomic Force Microscopy analysis of plant tissue (2010-2014)
- Leverhulme Trust, Molecular analysis of club root infection in Arabidopsis (Co-PI) (2009-2012)
- Yorkshire Forward, Optimising fibre quality in renewable energy crops (2009-2011)
- European Union, Marie Curie Award, MolCalm (2009-2011)
- BBSRC Industrial Partnership Award, Imaging metabolism in the meristem (2008-2012)
- Teaching activities
Reflecting my research interests, my main teaching involves aspects of plant development.
How something apparently simple (a cell) becomes something incredibly complicated (a mature, multicellular organism) in a robust and reproducible fashion? In plants, structure and function are closely entwined, with my teaching covering fundamental aspects of biochemistry, physiology, cell biology and genetics.
I currently co-ordinate and teach on the following module:
BIS106 Plant Science: How to make a plant
This is an introductory module on plant biology, encompassing development, growth and reproduction, as well as how plant interactions with microbes underpin much of life on the planet. The course also includes an introduction to fungi- the hugely important class of organisms which are strangely ignored in many biology courses.
I also lecture on
BIS316 Future Plants: From laboratory to field
My lectures in this third year module focus on some of the "Grand Challenges" in plant and crop biology, with an emphasis on efforts to engineer plants with improved photosynthesis, nutrition and water-use.
- Professional activities and memberships
- Gatsby Plant Science Mentor
- Advisory Board “New Phytologist”
- White Rose BBSRC DTP Management Board
- Advisor to the Commonwealth Scholarship Committee (2014-present)
- Treasurer of the British Society for Developmental Biology (2009-2014
- BBSRC PMS committee/committee B core member (2007-2011)
- British Society for Developmental Biology, Committee member (2004-2014)
- Invited Co-Editor for Current Opinion in Plant Biology (2010)
- Associate Editor of Plant Molecular Biology (2009-2013)
- The Society for Experimental Biology, Plant Gene Structure and Function Co-Convenor (2006-2010)
- Referee for various international journals and funding agencies (2004-present)
- Honours and awards
- Leverhulme Research Fellow, Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge University (2015-16)
- Visiting Fellowship, Clare Hall (2015-16)
- Director of the Robert Hill Institute (2013-present)
- Swiss National Science Foundation START Fellowship (1998-2004)
- EMBO Fellowship, University of Wageningen, The Netherlands (1990)
- Bye-Fellowship Magdalene College (1986)
- Scholarship Magdalene College (1982-1984)