Professor Terry Burke
School of Biosciences
Chair in Molecular Ecology
- Profile
- BSc (1979) University of Wales, Bangor; PhD (1984) University of Nottingham
- NERC Postdoctoral Research Fellow and "Special" Research Fellow, University of Leicester (1984-88)
- SERC Advanced Research Fellow, University of Leicester (1988-90)
- Royal Society University Research Fellow, University of Leicester (1990-93)
- Lecturer and Reader in Zoology, University of Leicester (1993-97)
- Professor of Molecular Ecology, University of Leicester (1997-98)
- Professor of Molecular Ecology, University of ºù«Ӱҵ (1998-present)
- Head, NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility–ºù«Ӱҵ (1998-present)
- (formerly known as ºù«Ӱҵ Molecular Genetics Facility)
- Director, NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility [UK-wide] (2008–present)
- Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow (2015–17)
- Research interests
My research falls into three themes:
- Mating systems and sexual selection
- Ecological and evolutionary genetics
- Molecular and quantitative genetics in birds
- Publications
Journal articles
- Professional activities and memberships
- 2017 Chair, Molecular Ecology Prize Committee
- 2017 Member, Institut Universitaire de France, professorial fellowships jury
- 2016– Member, Royal Society Newton International Fellowship committee (Biological Sciences)
- 2016– Member, University of Liverpool Centre for Genomic Research Science Advisory Board
- 2015 Chair, NERC CDT in Smart and Autonomous Observation Systems for the Environmental Sciences – Assessment Panel
- 2013 Member, NERC PRC Panels D&E Appointments Panel
- 2012–15 Member, NERC Training Advisory Group
- 2012 Member, STFC Global Challenges Concepts and Networks Panel
- 2012 Member, Research Councils UK Capital Investment Strategic Framework External Advisory Group
- 2010–13 Member, NERC Science and Innovation Strategy Board
- 2010–13 Member, NERC Evaluation Advisory Group
- Editorial Board International Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2009–
- Editorial Board International Journal of Zoology 2008–
- Editorial Review Board Conservation Genetics 2000–
- Editorial Review Board Journal of Animal Ecology 2000–2003
- Joint Founding Editor Molecular Ecology, 1992–95; Chief Editor 1996–99
- Editorial Board Heredity 1991–1996
- Head of Service, NERC ºù«Ӱҵ Molecular Genetics Facility, 1999-present
- NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Programme Development Group on Biodiversity, 1999-present
- NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Programme Review Group on Monitoring, Data, Assessment and Valuation, 1996-99
- NERC Terrestrial Sciences Programme Review Committee, 1997-98
- NERC Terrestrial Sciences Research Grants and Training Awards Committee, 1995-97
- NERC Advisory Board on the Aberdeen Molecular Genetics in Ecology Initiative, 1995-99
Recent Invited Lectures include:
- 2017 Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College.
- 2016 Edward Grey Institute, U Oxford.
- 2015 GeLIFES, U Groningen.
- 2013 Celebration of Alec Jeffreys’ Career, U Leicester.
- Department of Biology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver. (2012) 175th Anniversary Symposium, Institute of Zoology, University of Greifswald, Germany. (2011)
- 15th Annual Convention of ADNAT (Association for Promotion of DNA Fingerprinting and Other Technologies), Hyderabad, India. (2011)
- Innovation in modelling insect-vector population and disease dynamics, Research and Policy for Infectious Disease Dynamics (RAPIDD) Workshop, Oxford. (2010)
- Speciation workshop, Losehill Hall. (2010)
- Workshop on Genome Mapping in Natural Bird Populations, Sigtuna, Sweden. (2006)
- Centre for Evolutionary Biology, University of Uppsala, Sweden. (2004)
- Symposium on Organisms Interacting with their Environment, University of Bristol. (Plenary lecture) (2004)
- Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, University of Sussex. (2004)
- Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Annual Rebellion, University of E Anglia. (2004)
- Symposium on Molecular Ecology – the Genomic Basis of Adaptations, University of Lund, Sweden. (Plenary lecture) (2003)
- Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. (2003)
- 4th International Symposium on Physiology and Behaviour of Wild and Zoo Animals, Berlin, Germany. (2002)
- Wilhelmine Key Lecture, American Genetics Association, University of Yale, USA (2000);
- Department of Animal Genetics and Conservation, University of Porto, Portugal (1999);
- Institute of Ecology, Paris (1998);
- Conference on Evolution and Behaviour of Birds, University of Queensland,Australia (1996)
- Co-organiser, Population Genetics Group Conference, University of ºù«Ӱҵ, January 2015.
- Organiser, Population Genetics Group Conference, University of ºù«Ӱҵ, January 2001.