Dr Helen Hipperson

School of Biosciences

Research & Development Fellow in Genomics

A photo of Helen Hipperson
Profile picture of A photo of Helen Hipperson


  • Research & Development Fellow in Genomics (2018鈥損resent)
  • Data Analyst, NERC Biomolecular Analysis Facility, University of 葫芦影业 (2015鈥2018)
  • Post-doctoral Research Associate, Imperial College London (2010鈥2014)
  • Associate Project Manager, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (2009鈥2010)
  • PhD 鈥楥onservation genetics in protected populations鈥, Animal & Plant Sciences, University of 葫芦影业 (2005鈥2008)
Research interests

My research focuses on applying genomic techniques to answer questions in plant and soil biology, ecology, evolution, conservation and population genomics. I apply cutting-edge sequencing technologies and approaches to design experiments and analyse genomic data from a wide range of sample types and projects, including de novo genomics and transcriptomics, epigenetics, metabarcoding and working with environmental DNA.

My current research projects include identifying key beneficial bacterial taxa and functional genes in soil that benefit plant health () and determining dietary components in wild sheep populations (NERC ). I am also working with researchers in Uganda on a GCRF project to apply rapid, in-field genomics for the monitoring and management of insect-vectored viral crop diseases.

I manage the long-read sequencing facility in the P3 pillar of the Institute for Sustainable Food and deliver bioinformatics training as part of the .


Show: Featured publications All publications

Journal articles

  • Crawley MJ, Pakeman RJ, Albon SD, Pilkington JG, Stevenson IR, Morrissey MB, Jones OR, Allan E, Bento A, Hipperson H , Asefa G et al (2021) . Journal of Ecology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vekemans X, Castric V, Hipperson H, M眉ller NA, Westerdahl H & Cronk Q (2021) . Molecular Ecology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zecherle LJ, Nichols HJ, Bar鈥怐avid S, Brown RP, Hipperson H, Horsburgh GJ & Templeton AR (2021) . Evolutionary Applications. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zecherle LJ, Bar-David S, Nichols HJ, Templeton AR, Hipperson H, Horsburgh GJ & Brown RP (2020) . Biological Conservation, 252. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hosegood J, Humble E, Ogden R, de Bruyn M, Creer S, Stevens GMW, Abudaya M, Bassos鈥怘ull K, Bonfil R, Fernando D , Foote AD et al (2020) . Molecular Ecology, 29(24), 4783-4796. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Garrett LJH, Myatt JP, Sadler JP, Dawson DA, Hipperson H, Colbourne JK, Dickey RC, Weber SB & Reynolds SJ (2020) . Scientific Reports, 10. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Doble CJ, Hipperson H, Salzburger W, Horsburgh GJ, Mwita C, Murrell DJ & Day JJ (2020) . Environmental DNA, 2(1), 24-41. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Matthews A, Pierce S, Hipperson H & Raymond B (2019) . Frontiers in Microbiology, 10. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bhattacharyya S, Dawson DA, Hipperson H & Ishtiaq F (2018) . Molecular Ecology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Clark MS, Thorne MAS, King M, Hipperson H, Hoffman JI & Peck LS (2018) . Functional Ecology, 32(8), 1982-1994. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dunn JC, Stockdale JE, Moorhouse-Gann RJ, McCubbin A, Hipperson H, Morris AJ, Grice PV & Symondson WOC (2018) . Molecular Ecology, 27(16), 3386-3407. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Moorhouse-Gann RJ, Dunn JC, de Vere N, Goder M, Cole N, Hipperson H & Symondson WOC (2018) . Scientific Reports, 8(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Armstrong C, Richardson DS, Hipperson H, Horsburgh GJ, K眉pper C, Percival-Alwyn L, Clark M, Burke T & Spurgin LG (2018) . Evolution Letters, 2(1), 22-36. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hipperson H, Whitlock R, Thompson DBA, Butlin RK & Burke T (2016) . Biological Conservation, 203, 134-142. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dunning LT, Hipperson H, Baker WJ, Butlin RK, Devaux C, Hutton I, Igea J, Papadopulos AST, Quan X, Smadja CM , Turnbull CGN et al (2016) . Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29(8), 1427-1487. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hipperson H, Dunning LT, Baker WJ, Butlin RK, Hutton I, Papadopulos AST, Smadja CM, Wilson TC, Devaux C & Savolainen V (2016) . Journal of Evolutionary Biology. RIS download Bibtex download

All publications

Journal articles

  • Llanos J, Hipperson H, Horsburgh G, Lappage MG, Maher KH, Burke T, Leake JR & Watt PJ (2025) . Science of The Total Environment, 968, 178793-178793. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Day G, Fox G, Hipperson H, Maher KH, Tucker R, Horsburgh GJ, Waters D, Durant KL, Burke T, Slate J & Arnold KE (2024) . Ecology and Evolution, 14(10). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dunn JC, Thomas RC, Hipperson H, Sheehan DJ, Orsman C, Mallord J & Goodman SJ (2023) . Parasitology, 150(2), 206-211. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Thomas RC, Dunn JC, Dawson DA, Hipperson H, Horsburgh GJ, Morris AJ, Orsman C, Mallord J, Grice PV, Hamer KC , Eraud C et al (2022) . Molecular Ecology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Thomas RC, Dunn JC, Orsman CJ, Morris AJ, Hipperson H, Grice PV, Hamer KC & Goodman SJ (2022) . Conservation Genetics Resources. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Moorhouse-Gann RJ, Vaughan IP, Cole NC, Goder M, Tatayah V, Jones CG, Mike D, Young RP, Bruford MW, Rivers MC , Hipperson H et al (2021) . Journal of Applied Ecology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Crawley MJ, Pakeman RJ, Albon SD, Pilkington JG, Stevenson IR, Morrissey MB, Jones OR, Allan E, Bento A, Hipperson H , Asefa G et al (2021) . Journal of Ecology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Vekemans X, Castric V, Hipperson H, M眉ller NA, Westerdahl H & Cronk Q (2021) . Molecular Ecology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zecherle LJ, Nichols HJ, Bar鈥怐avid S, Brown RP, Hipperson H, Horsburgh GJ & Templeton AR (2021) . Evolutionary Applications. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Zecherle LJ, Bar-David S, Nichols HJ, Templeton AR, Hipperson H, Horsburgh GJ & Brown RP (2020) . Biological Conservation, 252. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Cruz-L贸pez M, Fern谩ndez G, Hipperson H, Palacios E, Cavitt J, Galindo-Espinosa D, G贸mez del Angel S, Pruner R, Gonzalez O, Burke T & K眉pper C (2020) . BMC Evolutionary Biology, 20. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hosegood J, Humble E, Ogden R, de Bruyn M, Creer S, Stevens GMW, Abudaya M, Bassos鈥怘ull K, Bonfil R, Fernando D , Foote AD et al (2020) . Molecular Ecology, 29(24), 4783-4796. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Garrett LJH, Myatt JP, Sadler JP, Dawson DA, Hipperson H, Colbourne JK, Dickey RC, Weber SB & Reynolds SJ (2020) . Scientific Reports, 10. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Doble CJ, Hipperson H, Salzburger W, Horsburgh GJ, Mwita C, Murrell DJ & Day JJ (2020) . Environmental DNA, 2(1), 24-41. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Kleinschmidt B, Burger C, Dorsch M, Nehls G, Hein盲nen S, Mork奴nas J, 沤ydelis R, Moorhouse-Gann RJ, Hipperson H, Symondson WOC & Quillfeldt P (2019) . Marine Biology, 166(6). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Matthews A, Pierce S, Hipperson H & Raymond B (2019) . Frontiers in Microbiology, 10. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Bhattacharyya S, Dawson DA, Hipperson H & Ishtiaq F (2018) . Molecular Ecology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Clark MS, Thorne MAS, King M, Hipperson H, Hoffman JI & Peck LS (2018) . Functional Ecology, 32(8), 1982-1994. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dunn JC, Stockdale JE, Moorhouse-Gann RJ, McCubbin A, Hipperson H, Morris AJ, Grice PV & Symondson WOC (2018) . Molecular Ecology, 27(16), 3386-3407. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Moorhouse-Gann RJ, Dunn JC, de Vere N, Goder M, Cole N, Hipperson H & Symondson WOC (2018) . Scientific Reports, 8(1). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Armstrong C, Richardson DS, Hipperson H, Horsburgh GJ, K眉pper C, Percival-Alwyn L, Clark M, Burke T & Spurgin LG (2018) . Evolution Letters, 2(1), 22-36. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Booth Jones KA, Nicoll MAC, Raisin C, Dawson DA, Hipperson H, Horsburgh GJ, Groombridge JJ, Ismar SMH, Sweet P, Jones CG , Tatayah V et al (2017) . Molecular Ecology, 26(20), 5716-5728. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hipperson H, Whitlock R, Thompson DBA, Butlin RK & Burke T (2016) . Biological Conservation, 203, 134-142. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Dunning LT, Hipperson H, Baker WJ, Butlin RK, Devaux C, Hutton I, Igea J, Papadopulos AST, Quan X, Smadja CM , Turnbull CGN et al (2016) . Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29(8), 1427-1487. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hipperson H, Dunning LT, Baker WJ, Butlin RK, Hutton I, Papadopulos AST, Smadja CM, Wilson TC, Devaux C & Savolainen V (2016) . Journal of Evolutionary Biology. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Papadopulos AST, Kaye M, Devaux C, Hipperson H, Lighten J, Dunning LT, Hutton I, Baker WJ, Butlin RK & Savolainen V (2014) . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 369(1648). RIS download Bibtex download
  • Papadopulos AST, Price Z, Devaux C, Hipperson H, Smadja CM, Hutton I, Baker WJ, Butlin RK & Savolainen V (2013) . Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26(4), 733-745. RIS download Bibtex download
  • WHITLOCK R, HIPPERSON H, MANNARELLI M, BUTLIN RK & BURKE T (2008) . Molecular Ecology Resources, 8(4), 725-735. RIS download Bibtex download
  • WHITLOCK R, HIPPERSON H, MANNARELLI M & BURKE T (2008) . Molecular Ecology Resources, 8(4), 736-741. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Martin H, Rogers LA, Moushtaq L, Brindley AA, Forbes P, Quintion AR, Murphy ARJ, Hipperson H, Daniell TJ, Ndeh D , Amsbury S et al () . The ISME Journal. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Ellis EE, Edmondson JL, Maher KH, Hipperson H & Campbell SA () . Ecology Letters. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Wilkinson SW, Hannan Parker A, Muench A, Wilson RS, Hooshmand K, Henderson MA, Moffat EK, Rocha PSCF, Hipperson H, Stassen JHM , L贸pez S谩nchez A et al () . Nature Plants. RIS download Bibtex download
  • WHITLOCK R, HIPPERSON H, MANNARELLI M & BURKE T () . Molecular Ecology Resources, 0(0), 080310190901533-???. RIS download Bibtex download


  • Llanos J, Hipperson H, Horsburgh G, Lappage M, Maher KH, Burke T, Leake JR & Watt PJ (2023) , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Day G, Fox G, Hipperson H, Maher K, Tucker R, Horsburgh G, Waters D, Durrant KL, Arnold K, Burke T & Slate J (2023) , Authorea, Inc.. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Winder LA, Parsons P, Horsburgh G, Maher K, Hipperson H, Wierzbicki C, Jeffries AR, Brown MR, Fairbrother-Browne A, Denise H , Khalifa MS et al (2022) , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Thomas R, Dunn J, Dawson D, Hipperson H, Horsburgh G, Morris A, Orsman C, Mallord J, Grice P, Hamer KC , Eraud C et al () , Authorea, Inc.. RIS download Bibtex download
  • Hosegood J, Humble E, Ogden R, de Bruyn M, Creer S, Stevens G, Abudaya M, Bassos-Hull K, Bonfil R, Fernando D , Foote AD et al () , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. RIS download Bibtex download