Editorial style guide: F



A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H      I      J      K      L      M

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On this page:


Faculty has a capital F when it is part of the faculty's title:

Welcome to the Faculty of Science.

When referring to the faculty, use a lower-case d.

The academic staff in the faculty are friendly and approachable.

fewer / less

Use fewer when the amounts can be quantified, less when they can't:

There are fewer than 10 places available
There is less milk than yesterday

fonts (typeface)

Source is our chosen typeface family. This consists of Source Sans Pro and Source Serif Pro.

In digital settings, always use Source Sans Pro.

This typeface has been chosen with inclusivity in mind. It allows us to communicate clearly and confidently, retaining elements of prestige and tradition, whilst being versatile enough to meet the needs of our audiences.

Don't try to italicise bold text or set italics in bold. This will cause the font to display incorrectly. To highlight and emphasise text, use the true italic or bold versions of the fonts, increase the point size, or colour the text.

Full guidelines on using our fonts

Download / install fonts

foreign words and expressions

Italicise and include accents, unless the word or expression is anglicised or widely used. Don't use a foreign word or phrase if there's a suitable English equivalent.

In the CMS you can apply the style for this by highlighting the word or expression and then selecting 'Foreign word/phrase' in the Text type dropdown menu.


A fraction that stands alone is written out and hyphenated, even when one of the numbers is higher than ten.

Two-thirds of the students
One-twentieth of the population

A fraction attached to a whole number should be written in numerals.

2 1鈦2 times per year


Fragments are acceptable in certain contexts, such as lists of bullet points, or entries in directory-style publications. Avoid overuse.

freshers' week

Always refer to this as Intro Week.

full stops

Try to split long sentences into shorter ones. Shorter sentences make text easier to read. Use one space, not two, after full stops.

full time

Hyphenate only when used before a noun.

We offer six full-time courses in the department.

This course is full time.