All courses A -Z / Postgraduate Study
Accounting, Governance and Financial Management (MSc) MGTT192
Acquired Communication Disorders (MSc) HEST012 / HCST28
Advanced Aerospace Technologies (MSc) MACT001 / AERT01
Advanced Cell and Gene Therapies (MSc) SMPT059 / NEUT04
Advanced Clinical Practice Apprentice (Pathway) (MMedSci) NURT113
Advanced Clinical Practice (General Practice Pathway) (MMedSci) HEST019 / NURT101
Advanced Clinical Practice (Neonatal Pathway) (MMEdSci) HEST027 / NURT96
Advanced Clinical Practice (Paediatric Pathway) (MMedSci) HEST020 / NURT108
Advanced Computer Science (MSc) COMT123
Advanced Computer Science (with Integrated Studies) (MSc) COMT190
Advanced Control and Systems Engineering (MSc) ELET001 / ACST01
Advanced Control and Systems Engineering (with Industry) (MScEng) ELET003 / ACST46
Advanced Control and Systems Engineering (with Industrial Management) (MSc) ELET004 / ACST48
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (MSc) MACT008 / MECT50
Advanced Mechanical Engineering (MSc) MACT009 / MECT53
Advanced Metallurgy (MMet) CMBT012 / MATT10
Aerospace Engineering (MSc) MACT002 / AERT04
Aerospace Materials (MScEng) CMBT013 / MATT16
American History (MA) HSTT10
Applied Linguistics (MA) EGHT001 / ELLT01
Applied Professional Studies in Education (MA) EDCT010 / EDUT201
Archaeology and Heritage (MA) HPHT035 / HSTT71
Architecture (MArch) ALAT006 / ARCT26
Architecture and Landscape Architecture (MArch) ALAT007 / ARCT27
Architecture: Collaborative Practice (MArch) ALAT008 / ARCT28
Architectural Design (MA) ALAT003 / ARCT125
Artificial Intelligence (MSc) COMT130
Astrophysics (MSc) MPST016 / PHYT27
Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (MSc) ELET005 / ACST52
Bioarchaeology (MSc) BIST08
Biochemical Engineering with Industrial Management (MScEng) CMBT007 / CPET37
Biodiversity and Conservation (MSc) BIST03 / APST14
Bioengineering (MScEng) CMBT001 / BIET02
Biological and Bioprocess Engineering (MScEng) CMBT006 / CPET30
Biomedical Science (MSc) BIST05 / BMST31
Biosciences (MRes) BIST01
Broadcast Journalism (MA) IJCT025 / JNLT06
Business Administration (MBA) MGTT01
Business Finance and Economics (MSc) ECNT15
Cancer Biology and Therapeutics (MSc) SMPT064 / OCPT01
Chemistry (MSc) MPST002/ CHMT08
Chemistry and Sustainability (MSc) MPST005 / CHMT20
Civil Engineering (MSc) MACT004 / CIVT107
Civil Engineering and Project Management (MSc) MACT005 / CIVT186
Clinical Neurology (MSc) SMPT056 / MEDT21
Clinical Research (MSc) SMPT043 / HART64
Clinical Supervision (PGCert) PSYT33
Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience (MSc) PSYT12
Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience (MSc) PSYT43
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Core Mental Health Problems and Eating Disorders (PGDip) PSYT53
Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Eating Disorders (PGDip) PSYT59
Cognitive Neuroscience and Human Neuroimaging (MScRes) PSYT23
Cognitive Studies (MA) HPHT043 / PHIT20
Computer Science with Speech and Natural Language Processing (MSc) COMT127
Contemporary China (MA) LAST002 / EAST07
Control and Systems Engineering (MRes) ELET006 / ACST55
Creative and Cultural Industries Management (MSc) MGTT158
Cultural Data Management and Communication (MA) HPHT045 / IPAT07
Cultural Heritage Management (MA) HPHT037 / HSTT73
Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence (MSc) COMT141
Data Communications (MScEng) ELET007 / EEET01
Data Science (MSc) IJCT016 / INFT85
Dental Materials Science (MSc) DENT25
Dental Public Health (MDPH) DENT75 / CDHT09
Dental Technology (MSc) DENT37
Diagnostic Oral Pathology (MMedSci) DENT12
Digital Culture and Communication (MA) HPHT047 / IPAT11
Digital Media and Society (MA) SPRT010 / SCST88
Drug Discovery Science (MSc) MPST004 / CHMT17
Early Modern History (MA) HSTT59
East Asian Business (MSc) LAST001 / EAST03
Economics (MSc) ECNT07
Economics and Public Policy (MSc) ECNT60
Economics of Money, Banking and Finance (MSc) ECNT31
Education (MA) EDCT003 / EDUT180
Education: Early Childhood (MA) EDCT011 / EDUT205
Education: Language and Education (MA) EDCT014 / EDUT220
Education, Teaching and Learning (MA) EDCT020 / EDUT239 / EDUT240
Electronic and Electrical Engineering (MScEng) ELET008 / EEET13
Endodontics (DClinDent) DENT33
Energy Engineering with Industrial Management (MSc) CMBT008 / CPET40
English Literature (MA) EGHT007 / LITT64
English Literature: Creative Writing Pathway (MA) EGHT009 / LITT79
Environmental and Energy Engineering (MScEng) CMBT002 / CPET01
Environmental and Energy Engineering (with Integrated Studies) (MScEng) CMBT010 / CPET90
Environmental Change and International Development (MSc) GPLT004 / GEOT50
Finance (MSc) ECNT53
Finance and Accountancy (MSc) MGTT170
Financial Economics (MSc) ECNT36
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (MSc) GPLT009 / TRPT22
Global History (MA) HSTT32
Global Journalism (MA) IJCT027 / JNLT33
Health and Clinical Research Delivery (MSc) SMPT013 / HART111
Health Economics & Decision Modelling (MSc) SMPT029 / HART44
High Intensity Psychological Interventions (PGDip) PSYT16
Historical Research (MA) HPHT022 / HSTT15
History (MA) HPHT001
Human and Molecular Genetics (MSc) BIST06 / MBBT09
Human Communication Sciences CPD HEST001 / HCST01
Human Nutrition (MSc) SMPT009 / HART102
Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology (MSc) BIST10 / AAPT112
Human Resource Management (MSc) MGTT199
Human Resource Management with CIPD Pathway (MSc) MGTT67
Information Management (MSc) IJCT002 / INFT101
Information Systems (MSc) IJCT003 / INFT106
Information Systems Management (MSc) IJCT028
Intercultural Communications (MA) LAST007 / MDLT08
Intercultural Communication and International Development (MA) LAST010 / MDLT31
International Criminology (MA) SLWT001 / LAWT105
International Development (MA) GPLT002 / GEOT22
International Development (MPH) GPLT003 / GEOT28
International Health Technology Assessment and Reimbursement (MSc) HART66
International Management (MSc) MGTT134
International Management and Marketing (MSc) MGTT162
International Political Economy (MA) SPRT002 / POLT103
International Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) EDCT005 / EDUT192
International Public and Political Communication (MA) IJCT024 / JNLT03
International Relations (MA) SPRT006 / POLT99
International Relations and East Asia (MA) LAST004 / EAST113
Journalism (MA) IJCT026 / JNLT07
Landscape Architecture (MA) ALAT011 / LSCT123
Landscape Management (MA) ALAT013 / LSCT127
Landscape Management (LI Accredited) (MA) ALAT009 / LSCT102
Landscape Studies (MA) ALAT012 / LSCT124
Language and Communication Impairment in Children (MSc) HEST009 / HCST18
Language and Communication Impairment in Children (Fast Track) HEST010 / HCST19
Language and Linguistics (MA) EGHT003 / ELLT55
Law (MA) SLWT002 / LAWT117
Law (LLM) SLWT005 / LAWT83
Law (Doshisha) (LLM) SLWT008 / LAWT87
Law (Extended Programme) (LLM) SLWT004 / LAWT123
Librarianship (MA) IJCT001 / INFT03
Library and Information Services Management (MA) IJCT017 / INFT90
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (MSc) MGTT167
Low Intensity Psychological Interventions - Enhanced (PGCert) PSYT15
Management (MSc) MGTT24
Management and Strategic Leadership (Top Up) (MSc) MGTT010
Management (International Business) (MSc) MGTT100
Managing Long-term Health Conditions (PGCert) HEST032 / NURT86
Master of Public Health (Online) (MPH) SMPT012 / HART109
Materials Science and Engineering (MSc) CMBT014 / MATT52
Mathematics (MSc) MPST011 / MAST30
Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (MSc) MPST013 / MAST34
Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Management (MSc) MACT007 / MECT40
Medical Education (PGCert) SMPT052 / MDET01
Medieval History (MA) HSTT57
Mental Health Practice in Education Settings (PGDip) PSYT51
Midwifery (MSc) HEST022 / NURT118
Modern History (MA) HSTT61
Modern Languages and Cultures (MA) LAST015 / MDLT43
Modern Languages and Cultures (PGDip) LAST017 / MDLT45
Modern Languages and Cultures (PGCert) LAST018 / MDLT46
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MSc) BIST07 / MBBT12
Molecular Medicine (MSc) SMPT054 / MEDT01
Music Management (MA) LAST021 / MUST13
Musicology (MA) LAST024 / MUST60
Music Performance Studies (MA) LAST026 / MUST64
Music Psychology in Education, Performance and Wellbeing (MA) LAST023 / MUST35
Nanomaterials and Materials Science (MSc) CMBT015 / MATT71
Neuroscience and Neurodegeneration (MSc) NEUT01
Nursing (Adult) (MMedSci) NURT112
Nursing and Midwifery (CPD) HEST023 / NURT123
Ophthalmology Advanced Clinical Practice (Paediatrics) (MMedSci) HEST029 / OPHT05
Ophthalmology Advanced Clinical Practice (Paediatrics) (Apprenticeship) (MMedSci) OPHT08
Orthodontics (DClinDent) DENT42
Orthodontics (MClinDent) DENT74
Paediatric Dentistry (DClinDent) DENT59
Paediatric Dentistry (NHS) (MClinDent) DENT09
Periodontics (DClinDent) DENT34
Pharmaceutical Engineering (MSc) CMBT009 / CPET45
Philosophy (MA) HPHT039 / PHIT01
Physician Associate Studies (MMedSci) SMPT057 / MEDT50
Physics (MSc) MPST003
Polar and Alpine Change (MScRes) GPLT001 / GEOT132
Political Theory (MA) HPHT040 / PHIT02
Politics and Media in East Asia (MA) LAST003 / EAST110
Politics, Governance and Public Policy (MA) SPRT004 / POLT95
Polymers and Composites (MScEng) CMBT011 / MATT03
Polymer Chemistry (MSc) MPST001 / CHMT01
Population Health CPD SMPT006 / HART009
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Core) (PGCE) EDCT012 / EDUT207
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Lead Partner) (PGCE) EDCT009 / EDUT199
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching for Learning in Higher Education (PGCertHE) EDCT016 / EDUT233
Postgraduate Visiting Student HEST021 / OPHT04
Process Safety and Loss Prevention (MScEng) CMBT003 / CPET03
Professional Landscape Architecture (MA) ALAT014 / LSCT134
Prosthodontics (DClinDent) DENT35
Psychological Research Methods (MSc) PSYT107
Psychological Research Methods with Advanced Statistics (MSc) PSYT35
Psychological Research Methods with Data Science (MSc) PSYT45
Psychology and Education (MA) EDCT004 / EDUT181
Psychology and Education (Conversion) (MA) EDCT017 / EDUT234
Psychology of Music (MA) LAST019 / MUST02
Public Health (MPH) SMPT016 / HART22
Public Health (EuroPubHealth) (MPH) SMPT022 / HART31
Public Health (Health Services Research) (MPH) SMPT023 / HART32
Public Health (Management and Leadership) (MPH) SMPT032 / HART46
Real Estate (MSc) GPLT006 / TRPT120
Real Estate Planning and Development (MSc) GPLT007 / TRPT121
Reproductive and Developmental Medicine (MSc) SMPT050 / HMCT02
Robotics (MSc) ELET002 / ACST17
Science Communication (MSc) BIST02 / APST102
Social Research (MA) EDCT022 / SMIT01
Social Work (MA) SPRT007 / SCST18
Sociological Studies (CPD) SPRT009 / SCST70
Sociology (MA) SPRT008 / SCST34
Speech and Language Therapy (Full-time) (MMedSci) HEST017 / HCST35
Speech and Language Therapy (Part-time) (MMedSci) HEST018 HCST36
Speech Difficulties (MSc) HEST005 / HCST13
Speech Difficulties (3 years) (MSc) HEST011 / HCST21
Statistics (MSc) MPST006 / MAST01
Statistics with Financial Mathematics (MSc) MPST007 / MAST11
Statistics with Medical Applications (MSc) MPST008 / MAST21
Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (MSc) BIST04 / BMST02
Strategic Marketing and Branding (MSc) MGTT169
Structural Engineering (MScEng) MACT003 / CIVT07
Sustainable Architectural Studies (MSc) ALAT004 / ARCT131
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PGDip) EDCT001 / EDUT028
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PGCert) EDCT002 / EDUT069
Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (MA) LAST006 / EAST97
TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) (MA) EGHT005 / ELLT61
Traditional and World Music (MA) LAST020 / MUST07
Translation Studies (MA) LAST011 / MDLT35
Translation Studies (PGDip) LAST013 / MDLT37
Translation Studies (PGCert) LAST014 / MDLT39
Translational Neuroscience (MSc) SMPT055 / MEDT14
Urban and Regional Planning (MSc) GPLT005 / TRPT106
Urban and Regional Planning with Advanced Study in Practice (MSc) GPLT010 / TRPT116
Urban Design (MA) ALAT001 / ARCT121
Urban Design and Planning (MA) GPLT008 / TRPT126
Vision and Strabismus (Distance Learning) (MMedSci) HEST028 / OPHT01
Wireless Communication Systems (MScEng) ELET010 / EEET30
Work Psychology (MSc) MGTT021