Prestigious poster prize for student

Undergraduate Ollie Plant has won a best poster prize from the Faraday Instituion for his research on solid-state batteries.

Ollie Plant

Ollie was the recipient of a Faraday Undergraduate Summer Experience (FUSE) internship and presented his research findings to the Faraday community.

FUSE provides 45 undergraduate students with the opportunity to take part in an 8-week paid internship. Students construct project research topics that connect to the research projects and are selected on a competitive basis from a diverse pool of applicants. Working alongside a supervisor, students have access to other research scientists and unique facilities as well as the chance to participate in hands-on energy storage research activities. At the end of the summer, and with the assistance of their supervisor, each intern prepares a poster covering their research. 

The Faraday Institution is the UK’s independent institute for electrochemical energy storage research and skills development. We bring together scientists and industry partners on research projects to reduce battery cost, weight, and volume; to improve performance and reliability; and to develop whole-life strategies including recycling and reuse.

Following the award of £11 million in funding from the Faraday Institution, researchers in the Department led by Professor Serena Corr are developing lithium-ion batteries with longer lifespans and increased energy density.