Professor Zimmerman stars in new show on the Discovery Channel

The Discovery Channel's programme 'Mysteries of the Deep' featured Professor Zimmerman discussing the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

Professor William Zimmerman

The underwater realm is a hostile, unexplored frontier where the unknown is normal, and understanding is rare. In this extraordinary series, biologist and angler, Jeremy Wade, searches the globe for the most iconic and baffling underwater mysteries known to science, from ships disappearing without trace, to lost treasure and inexplicable undersea anomalies.

Season 1, Episode 8 features Professor Zimmerman as Jeremy Wade explores a new theory that could explain what happens in the world's most infamous stretch of water, the Bermuda Triangle. Is this enduring mystery about to be solved?

Professor Zimmerman said:

"My contributions were about methane plumes that can be released on the sea floor that causes 'boiling seas' with substantial humidity released causing mist, fog and electrical disruption due to electrokinetic phenomena.  

The methane bubbling creates sea surface 'sinkholes' where there are churning eddies and a massive loss of buoyancy as the bubble plume is significantly less dense than normal sea water, causing rapid suction of floating bodies to the ocean floor, impacting with substantial momentum.   

These phenomena are now well established due to the discovery of decimated debris on the ocean floor, as well as documented observations of the sinkholes with associated methane release."

The programme is available to watch in the UK on  or an

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