CCR Seminar Series: Accountability and oversight in criminal justice

Event details
This event has taken place.
The Centre for Criminological Research is hosting a series of seminars and events centred around the theme of ‘Accountability’. Our third event on Wednesday 4 December will be a hybrid panel discussion considering accountability and oversight in criminal justice.
This will be a seminar with two speakers, chaired by Chris Bennett and David Fonseca. The speakers will be: Dr Lucy Welsh (Sussex - in person) on criminal appeals and the role of the CCRC; and Professor José Ángel Brandariz García (Universidade da Coruña, Spain - online) on a comparative analysis of oversight of prison systems in different jurisdictions.
There are multiple options for the tickets of this event. Please ensure you have selected the ticket with the attendance you would prefer, and let Chris Bennett or David Fonseca know if there are any dietary requirements (tea and coffee will be served). A link will be provided on the day of the event to all those who have registered to attend virtually. On-campus ticket holders should be prepared to show their ticket on arrival at the event.
For further information, please contact either of the event coordinators, Prof Chris Bennett or Dr David Fonseca.