CCR Seminar Series: Citizenship and democratic accountability in the criminal justice system

Event details
This event has taken place.
The Centre for Criminological Research is hosting a series of seminars and events centred around the theme of ‘Accountability’. Our second event on Wednesday 20 November will be a hybrid panel discussion considering citizenship and democratic accountability in the criminal justice system. Lunch will be served at 1pm prior to the event outside the Moot Court, with the speaker session starting at 1.30pm.
This will be a seminar with three speakers, chaired by Professor Alex Stevens. The speakers will be: Dr Sharda Murria (Birmingham City University) on police scrutiny panels, Mark Blake (Criminal Justice Alliance) on CJA's collaborative super complaint on Section 60 stops and searches; and Penelope Gibbs (Transform Justice) on their CourtWatch project.
There are multiple options for the tickets of this event. Please ensure you have selected the ticket with the attendance you would prefer, and let Emily Rose Hay ( know if there are any dietary requirements. A link will be provided on the day of the event to all those who have registered to attend virtually. On-campus ticket holders should be prepared to show their ticket on arrival at the event.
For further information, please contact either of the event coordinators, Professor Alex Stevens or Dr Emily Rose Hay.