Our members

CEES is based within the Faculty of Social Sciences but draws together expertise from across the university. Here are some of the people currently linked with the centre.

S.C, Lenny KohDirector of CEESs.c.l.koh@sheffield.ac.uk
Andrea GenoveseProfessor in Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Management Schoola.genovese@sheffield.ac.uk
Matt WatsonSenior Lecturer in Human Geography - Department of Geographym.watson@sheffield.ac.uk
Martina McGuinnessSenior Lecturer in Risk Management and Strategy - Management Schoolm.mcguinness@sheffield.ac.uk
John CullenProfessor of Management Accounting - Management Schooljohn.cullen@sheffield.ac.uk
Post-doctoral Research Assistant - AMRCguang.shi@sheffield.ac.uk
Post-doctoral Research Assistanta.j.timmis@lboro.ac.uk
Seyed EbrahimiPost-doctoral Research Assistants.m.ebrahimi@sheffield.ac.uk
Peter JacksonProfessor in Geography - Department of GeographyP.A.Jackson@sheffield.ac.uk
Colin WilliamsProfessor of Public Policy - Management SchoolC.C.Williams@sheffield.ac.uk
Buick DavisonBig Energy Upgrade Academic - Civil and Structural Engineeringj.davison@sheffield.ac.uk
Abigail HathwayBig Energy Upgrade Academic - Civil and Structural Engineeringa.hathway@sheffield.ac.uk
Fabio CiravegnaDepartment of Computer ScienceF.Ciravegna@sheffield.ac.uk
Tom WebbDepartment of Psychologyt.webb@sheffield.ac.uk
Stuart WrigleyAutomatic Control and Systems Engineerings.wrigley@sheffield.ac.uk
Martin MayfieldProfessor of Civil & Structural Engineeringmartin.mayfield@sheffield.ac.uk
Doctoral Researcher - Management Schoolraymond.obayi@manchester.ac.uk
Research Associate - Management SchoolT.Ibn-Mohammed@warwick.ac.uk
Erica BallantyneLecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management - Management Schoole.e.ballantyne@sheffield.ac.uk
Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (Nuclear AMRC)iwona.zwierzak@namrc.co.uk

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