Research and Innovation

Strategic research and innovation scheme. Siemens strongly believes that innovation and collaboration are key to success in a sustainable world.
The Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystem (RIE) program addresses today’s challenges with future technologies in a collaborative and therefore promising way.
Siemens, together with internal and external stakeholders, researchers, employees, customers, founders, students, and creative innovative minds, they grow the Siemens Research and Innovation Ecosystems: globally connected and locally anchored.
Aligned with the Siemens technology portfolio, they work close to the research excellence in these dedicated ecosystems and focus on broader regional opportunities.
Alongside traditional contract research, they work closely with stakeholders around the world on innovation projects, in publicly funded research consortia, and explore many other individual collaboration formats.
Siemens mission is to develop products, solutions, and services for our customers that make them more powerful, more successful and at the same time more sustainable. We want to strengthen our research for sustainable solutions even more.