Corporate Governance Failure of Large Banks during Global Financial Crisis
This project aims to examine what drives the failure of a large number of banks during the global financial crisis and lessons learnt from the crisis.

Corporate Governance Failure of Large Banks during Global Financial Crisis
Project description
This project was funded by Jan Wallanders Och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse Tore Browaldhs Foundation (Handelsbanken). Prof Sabur Mollah was the PI for the project. Project collaborators are: Dr. Waresul Karim, St Mary’s College, USA; Prof. Kevin Keasey and Prof. Francesco Vallascas, University of Leeds, UK; Prof. Eva Liljeblom, Hanken School of Economics, Finland.
Key research outputs
- Srivastav, A., Keasey, K., Mollah, S, and Vallascas, F. (2017). CEO Turnover in Large Banks: Does Tail Risk Matter? Journal of Accounting and Economics 64, 37-55.
- Vallascas, F., Mollah, S., and Keasey, K. (2017). Does the Impact of Board Independence on Large Bank Risks Change After the Global Financial Crisis? Journal of Corporate Finance 44, 149-166.
- Mollah, S., Hassan, K., Al-Farooque, O., and Mobarek, A. (2017). The Governance, Risk-taking, and Performance of Islamic Banks. Journal of Financial Services Research 51, 195-217.
- Mollah, S., and Liljeblom, E. (2016). Governance and bank characteristics in the credit and sovereign debt crises – the impact of CEO power, Journal of Financial Stability 27, 59-73.
- Mollah, S., and Zaman, M. (2015). Shari’ah Supervision, Corporate Governance and Performance: Conventional vs. Islamic Banks. Journal of Banking and Finance 58, 418–435.
- Mollah, S., Mobarek, A., and Liljeblom, E. (2021). Does Independent Director or Independent Director’s Quality Matter for Bank Performance? Journal of Corporate Finance (RR 3rd Round)
- Abdelsalam, O., Elnahass, M., Batten, J., and Mollah, S. New Insights into Bank Asset Securitization: The Impact of Religiosity. Journal of Financial Stability. Forthcoming.
- Mollah, S., Mobarek, A., and Goergen, M., (2021). Board Quality and Stock Return Synchronicity in Large Banks. Working Paper.
- Mollah, S., Skully, M., and Liljeblom, E., (2021). Strong Board and Risk Taking in Islamic Banks. Review of Corporate Finance. Forthcoming.
- Mollah, S., Mobarek, A., and Eshraghi, A., Does Shari’ah Supervisory Board (SSB) substitute board governance in Islamic Banks? Working Paper.
Research activity
- Financial Management Association International Annual Meeting 2018
- Financial Management Association International European Meeting 2012
- Islamic Banking Conference at Bangor University 214
- Islamic Banking Conference at Lancaster University 2014
- BAFA annual Meeting 2019
- BAM Annual Meeting 2018