The project aims to develop an integrated framework that can explain the quality of governance in a particular context as a contract between the governing elite and the citizens, and ways in which this is explained by factors such as path dependence.

Project description
It is widely understood that good governance is an important correlate of economic outcomes such as growth and development. The working definition of governance, as provided by UNESCAP is that governance 鈥渋s the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented).鈥 Organisations such as the World Bank provide measures of the different components of governance. The growing literature on governance, however, lacks an integrated framework that takes into account not just the nature of the relationship between the governing elite and the citizens, but also how the evolution of the state and factors such path dependence influence the contours of this relationship. The aim of the project is to develop such a framework and examine the evolution of governance using available data.
Key research outputs
- Monograph for Palgrave
Seminars at IOS Regensburg (Germany), Presidency University (India), and Aston University (UK, forthcoming) and the following book chapter: Governance: Some observations, In: P. Ray, R. Sarkar and A. Sen (Eds.) Economics, Management and Sustainability: Essays in Honour of Anup Sinha, Springer, 2018