Neil Ireson
School of Computer Science
Research Associate
Member of the Pervasive Computing research group
+44 114 222 1966
Full contact details
School of Computer Science
Regent Court (DCS)
211 Portobello
S1 4DP
- Profile
My research interests can broadly be defined as knowledge acquisition from data. This has primarily focused on the use of Machine Learning, initially applied in the field of Natural Language Processing, developing techniques for Text Classification and Information Extraction from large-scale text repositories and Collective Intelligence from social media messages.
More recent work has focused on the understanding of individual and population movements. Modelling air-travel data, to identify mobility patterns indicative of criminal activity, such as drug and human trafficking; and using mobile device sensor data to understand how contextual factors (e.g., weather, journey purpose) influence mobility, for health and well-being.
- Research interests
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Collective Intelligence, Mobility Analysis, Health & Well-being.
- Publications
Journal articles
- . Alzheimers Dement, 20 Suppl 10, e094327.
- . Alzheimer's & Dementia, 20(S7), e092207.
- . IEEE Sensors Journal, 1-1.
- . Scientific Reports, 14(1).
- . Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19(S23).
- . Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19(S11).
- . BMJ Open, 13(9), e073388-e073388.
- . Frontiers in Neurology, 14.
- . Gait & Posture, 97, 5-5.
- Automated Mobility Context Detection with Inertial Signals.. CoRR, abs/2205.08409.
- . BMJ Open, 11(12).
- . International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 13, 101-108.
- Citizen observatories for effective Earth observations: the WeSenseIt Approach. environmental SCIENTIST, 25(2), 56-61.
- . International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 8(2), 50-69.
- . LANG RESOUR EVAL, 42(4), 361-393.
- An Evolutionary Intelligent Agents Approach to Traffic Signal Control. International Journal of Knowledge-based Intelligent Engineering Systems, 5, 279-289.
- Design of a traffic junction controller using classifier system and fuzzy logic. LECT NOTES COMPUT SC, 1625, 342-353.
- Evolving Bayesian classifiers for credit control鈥攁 comparison with other machine-learning methods. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 5, 63-75.
- Evolving Bayesian classifiers for credit control鈥攁 comparison with other machine-learning methods. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 5, 63-75.
- Developing rule-based systems for credit-card applications from data with the genetic algorithm. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 4, 53-59.
- . Scientific Reports, 14(1).
- Evolving decision support models for credit control In Biethahn J & Nissen V (Ed.), Evolutionary Algorithms in Management Applications (pp. 264-276).
- Genetic-based Machine Learning-Applications in Industry and Commerce, Applications of Modern Heuristic Techniques, page (pp. 91-110).
Conference proceedings papers
- . Alzheimer's & Dementia, Vol. 20(S7) (pp e089186). United States
- . Proceedings of 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 20 May 2019 - 23 May 2019.
- Mapping mobility to support crisis management. Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference, Vol. 2018-May (pp 305-316)
- Football Whispers: Transfer rumour detection. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1963
- . Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers
- . Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 242 (pp 102-110)
- Seeing through the eyes of the citizens during emergencies. Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference
- Geo-fence driven crowd-sourcing for Emergencies. ISCRAM 2015 Conference Proceedings - 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Vol. 2015-January
- . Proceedings of 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations, June 2014 - June 2014.
- Citizens' observatories for situation awareness in flooding. ISCRAM 2014 Conference Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp 145-154)
- Visual analysis of real-time social media for emergency response. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1329 (pp 67-78)
- Straight to the Information I Need鈥: Assessing Collational Interfaces for Emergency Response. 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2012)
- Does Size Matter? When Small is Good Enough. Making Sense of Microposts (#MSM2011) (pp 45-56)
- Toponym Resolution in Social Media.. International Semantic Web Conference (1), Vol. 6496 (pp 370-385)
- Knowledge Sharing in E-Collaboration.. EGOV, Vol. 6228 (pp 351-362)
- . 2009 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, 1 June 2009 - 3 June 2009.
- User requirements for a collective intelligence emergency response system.. BCS HCI (pp 198-203)
- Leveraging Web 2.0 Communities in Professional Organisations. W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking. Barcelona
- Extending Domain-Specific Resources to Enable Semantic Access to Cultural Heritage Data.. J. Digit. Inf., Vol. 10
- Local Community Situational Awareness During An Emergency. 2009 3RD IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (pp 164-169)
- Web 2.0 and Traditional Knowledge Management Processes.. Wissensmanagement, Vol. P-145 (pp 222-231)
- Enabling Semantic Access to Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Tate Online.. Information Access to Cultural Heritage. ECDL 2008 Workshop. Aarhus Denmark
- The MultiMatch Project: Multilingual/Multimedia Access to Cultural Heritage on the Web. Museums on the Web Conference (MW2008). Toronto
- Capturing e-Culture: Metadata in MultiMatch. DELOS-MultiMatch workshop, Tirrenia, Italy
- An Experimental Study on Boundary Classification Algorithms for Information Extraction using SVM. Proceedings of the EACL Workshop on Adaptive Text Extraction and Mining (ATEM
- Pascal Challenge The Evaluation of Machine Learning for Information Extraction. Proceedings of Dagstuhl Seminar Machine Learning for the Semantic Web(http://www. smi. ucd. ie/Dagstuhl-MLSW/proceedings/)
- Evaluating machine learning for information extraction.. ICML, Vol. 119 (pp 345-352)
- NLP-enhanced Content Filtering within the POESIA Project. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2004)
- Distributed learning control of traffic signals. REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS OF EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 1803 (pp 117-126)
- A communication architecture for multi-agent learning systems. REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS OF EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 1803 (pp 255-266)
- Combining attributes and categorising attribute values for a Bayesian classifier for credit control. IMA International Conference on Control: Modelling, Computation, Information
- Human-Centred Decision Support: The IDIOMS System.. AI Soc., Vol. 6 (pp 345-366)
- Using Event Representation and Semantic Enrichment for Managing and Reviewing Emergency Incident Logs. EiMM 2010: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Events in multimedia. New York, NY, USA
- Research group
Pervasive Computing
- Grants
Investigating the social and environmental contexts of habitual walking ACTIVities in older adult DYADs: A feasibility study (The ActivDyad study)
Transforming Parkinson's disease clinical management with integrated digital health technologies
TENACITy - Travel Intelligence Against Crime and Terrorism
Mobilise-D - Connecting digital mobility assessment to clinical outcomes for regulatory and clinical endorsement