Introducing CALM for Parents and Carers
The CALM trial is a research project investigating ways to reduce children’s fear of the dentist.

We know that a visit to the dentist can make many children feel anxious. The CALM trial will look at different ways of helping young people overcome their fears so it is easier for them to have their dental treatment carried out both now and in the future.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions at your child’s first dental appointment, and you can also talk to other people about this project if you wish.
- What is the purpose of the project?
Many children and young people feel worried or afraid about visits to the dentist. This project will look at different ways of helping young people overcome their fears so it is easier for them to have their dental treatment carried out both now and in the future.
- Who is organising and funding the project?
The project is being organised by Zoe Marshman, who is a Professor in Dental Public Health in the School of Clinical Dentistry. Funding to support this project was awarded by the National Institute for Health Research: Health Technology Assessment [HTA 131805].
- Who has checked the project?
All the research in the NHS is looked at by an independent group of people, called a Research Ethics Committee. Their role is to look after your interests. This project was checked by Cambridge South Research Ethics Committee [22/EE/0013].
Click here to download a copy of the participant information sheet.
Click here to download a copy of the consent form.
If you require information about the CALM trial in different languages or alternative formats please contact: