Dr Alexis Moschopoulos
School of Education
University Tutor- Foundation Programme

+44 114 2227000
Full contact details
School of Education
The Wave
2 Whitham Road
S10 2AH
- Profile
I moved to the UK to study for a BSc in Plant Science at Aberystwyth University. Here I became fascinated with genetics so I moved to the John Innes Centre in Norwich for an MSc in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. Here I stayed for a PhD in molecular genetics where I discovered a role for the chloroplast in developmental signalling pathways that control leaf shape. I then moved to industry to develop a method of reprogramming wheat pollen cells into viable embryos to accelerate wheat breeding programs. Wanting to return to academia, I then came to ºù«Ӱҵ for a postdoctoral position investigating the genetics of host resistance to a parasitic plant that causes devastating crop losses throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
After the postdoc I started a company to develop my idea for a new type of plant growth chamber, a technology that plant scientists use to grow plants under controlled environmental conditions. At my company, called Grobotic Systems, we received a large Innovate UK grant to support our research and development program and have sold our chambers to universities and biotechnology companies around the UK. Finally, missing being in a community of learning and teaching, I joined the Department of Lifelong Learning in the summer of 2023 as University Tutor in Natural Science and Biology. Through Grobotic Systems I continue to develop technologies for growing plants at home and educational resources for growing plants in schools.
- Qualifications
BSc Plant Science (Aberystwyth University)
MSc Plant Breeding and Biotechnology (John Innes Centre)
PhD Plant Developmental Genetics (John Innes Centre)
- Research interests
My current interests include developing technologies for growing plants at home and in schools. I am also fascinated by genetics and molecular biology and in trying to develop teaching resources to share my enthusiasm in these subjects to a wider audience. I am very keen to learn more about different theories and styles of learning and teaching.
- Teaching activities
ACE0352 Introduction to the Natural Sciences
ACE0354 Foundations of Biology (Core)
ACE0340 Academic Literacy and Communication Skills
- Publications
*Wright, H.C., *Fountain, L., *Moschopoulos, A. et al. (2023) . Nature Food 4, 648-653 (*joint first author)
*Wright, H.C., *Moschopoulos, A. and *Fountain, L.. Acta Horticulturae. 1369, 141-148 (*joint first author)
Moschopoulos, A., Derbyshire, P., and Byrne, M.E. (2012) Journal of Experimental Botany 63 5233-5243
*Szakonyi, D., *Moschopoulos, A., and Byrne, M.E. (2010) 123 281-290 (*joint first author)