Professor Daniel Coca
MEng, PhD, CEng, MIEE
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Honorary Professor of Nonlinear and Complex Systems

- Research interests
My research work spans the broad area of nonlinear and complex dynamical systems. I am interested in developing novel mathematical, computational and analytical methods to analyse, model and control complex dynamical systems as well as apply the tools developed to complex systems in physics, engineering, life sciences and finance.
Complex systems modelling, identification and control:
Stem cell population dynamics; Crystal growth; Brain activity; Solar wind - magnetosphere interaction; Financial markets.
Bioimaging & biological data analysis:
Diffuse Optical Tomography; Protein Identification/Protein Mass Fingerprinting; Cell imaging data analysis.
Nonlinear Control Theory:
Controller design for nonlinear PDEs; Nonlinear predictive control.
Reconfigurable computers:
FPGA hardware acceleration of protein identification algorithms; FPGA implementation of computationally intensive control & optimization algorithms.
- Publications
Journal articles
- Grants
Centre for Digital Built Britain, 'Analysing Systems Interdependencies using a Digital Twin', 01/04/2019, £48,864&²Ô²ú²õ±è;(24,432 apportioned)
EPSRC, 'CORONA', 09/07/2018,&²Ô²ú²õ±è;£208,411 (£62,523&²Ô²ú²õ±è;apportioned)
EPSRC, 'UKRIC - Urban Flows Observatories', 18/01/2018, £2.1²Ñ (£634,076&²Ô²ú²õ±è;apportioned)
BBSRC, 'Digital Fly Brain', 21/05/2015,&²Ô²ú²õ±è;£530,873&²Ô²ú²õ±è;(£504,329&²Ô²ú²õ±è;apportioned)
BBSRC, D. Coca, M. Juusola, S.A. Billings, `Reverse Engineering Drosophila´s Retinal Networks´, 15.08.10 to 14.08.13, £648,008
EPSRC, S.A. Billings, D. Coca, `Spatio-temporal systems estimation modelling and analysis´, 04.01.10 to 03.01.14, £566,226
EPSRC, S.A. Billings, M. Balikhin, D. Coca, V.Kadirkamanathan, Z.Lang, H. Wei, `System Identification and Information Processing for Complex Systems´, 02.01.10 to 01.01.15, £1,442,972
MRC Fellowship, D. Coca, `Stem Cell Dynamics: Exploration of the Stem Cell Attractor Landscape´, 1.10.09-30.09.10, £109,000
BBSRC, D Coca and R Beynon, `FPGA Supercomputing Technology for High-throughput Identification and Quantification in Proteomics´, 15.03.08 to 14.03.11, £515,001
BBSRC, D Coca, R Beynon, 'Hardware Accelerated Data Processing Pipeline For Proteomics', 15.03.08 to 14.03.09, £98,559
ºù«Ӱҵ, D. Coca, R. Beynon, S. Smith, V. Hughues. Proof Of Concept Fund Award, `Hardware acceleration of data processing in proteomics´, 01.11.07 to 01.05.08, £10,000
EPSRC, Q Zhong, A Zolotas, D Coca, K Li and S Evangelou. `New-ACE: A Network for New Academics in Control Engineering´, 01.10.07 to 30.09.10, £87,800
EPSRC, S A Billings, D Coca, `System Identification and Model validation for Spatio-Temporal Dynamical Systems´, 01.08.06 to 31.07.09, £292,797
EPSRC, S A Billings, Y Zheng, J Martingdale, D Coca and J E W Mayhew, `System Identification and Signal Processing for Neuro-Imaging data Analysis´, 02.01.06 to 01.01.09, £264,277
EPSRC Platform Grant, S A Billings, V Kadirkamanathan, Z Q Lang, D Coca, M Balikhin, `System Identification and Signal Processing for Complex Systems´, 03.01.05 to 02.01.10, £422,571
EPSRC, D Coca, ` Adaptive Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems using Reconfigurable Computers´, 15.11.04 to 14.11.07, £132,014
BBSRC, R. Beynon and D Coca, ` Application of Field Programmable Gate Arrays to Eliminate Bottlenecks in Near-instrument Proteomics´, 15.11.04 to 14.11.07, £230,130
Royal Society, D. Coca and V. Barbu, `Optimal Control and Stabilization of Parabolic-like Equations´, 01.11.04 to 15.11.04, £1,400