Parking Charge Notice enforcement procedures

Information about Parking Charge Notices and what to do if you receive one.


Why Parking Charge Notices are issued

The University car parks are patrolled regularly by our campus wardens to ensure proper parking and legitimate use.

Wardens will check vehicles to make sure they have the correct permit, paid for parking where required, and parked correctly in a marked bay as is described in the terms and conditions of parking.

Vehicles that fail to park in accordance with the terms and conditions may be issued with a Parking Charge Notice of £100. This will be reduced to £60 if paid with 14 days.

University permit holders may be contacted or issued with a warning notice under certain circumstances, but please do not assume this to be the case.

If you receive a warning, do not ignore it – if you are unsure why a warning has been issued, email

Permit holders that ignore Parking Charge Notices or repeatedly attract them may have their permit withdrawn.

How to avoid a Parking Charge Notice

  • Ensure your vehicle details are up to date on BOTH the Connect Cashless app (if you use this to pay) and on your permit. You can do this online, see how to apply
  • Ensure your permit us up to date and valid. You can do this online, as above.
  • Make suitable arrangements for contractors and visitors.
  • Park in clearly marked bays, and don't park on yellow lines, hatched areas or where you might cause an obstruction to other users.
  • Don't park in areas coned off by Parking Services.

What to do if you get a Parking Charge Notice

Parking Charge Notices are the responsibility of Excel Parking, an external company that deals with all administration of the parking charge notice and debt collection for Parking Charge Notices issued at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ.

All contact should be with Excel Parking. Anyone receiving a Parking Charge Notice must pay, or make contact with Excel Parking, within 28 days to avoid escalation of the notice. We recommend that you do not ignore the Parking Charge Notice.

Excel Parking are members of the International Parking Community (IPC) and as such can obtain keeper details from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). Ignoring the notice would result in the case escalating, as per IPC guidelines, and the Parking Charge Notice will be passed to a debt collector.

This will see the debt increase in value and may result in court action against the keeper of the vehicle or person liable.

Making a payment

Parking Charge Notices are £100. This reduces to £60 if paid within 14 days.

To make a payment, follow the instructions on the notice. If you wish to appeal, do not make a payment and follow the instructions below.

Appeals against Parking Charge Notices

If you intend to contest a Parking Charge Notice, an appeal should be made in writing to Excel Parking following the instructions on the notice or .

Grounds for challenging a Parking Charge Notice are that it has been issued incorrectly. However, if you believe there are exceptional circumstances, please appeal to Excel Parking. Excel Parking and the University have an agreed process to review.

If you wish to appeal, do not contact Estates and Facilities Management. You will need to contact Excel Parking to have your Parking Charge Notice put on hold while an appeal is considered.

Contacting Excel

You can pay or appeal by email,  or post an appeal to the below address:

The Central Processing Office
Excel Parking Services Ltd
PO Box 4777
S9 9DJ

Telephone (24-hour payments): +44 845 226 9138
Telephone (enquiries): +44 114 261 7111

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