DELTA Module 3

Extending Practice and English Language Teaching Specialism (20 credits)

ELTC teacher training

DELTA Module 3 focuses on needs analysis, syllabus design, course planning and assessment within the context of a chosen specialism.

It is assessed via a 4,000-4,500-word Extended Assignment in which candidates carry out an independent investigation leading to the design of a course programme related to their chosen specialist area. 

According to Cambridge English Language Assessment, the aim of the Module is to extend and develop awareness and understanding of: 

  • a chosen specialism
  • approaches to needs analysis
  • curriculum and syllabus design principles
  • different types of syllabus
  • course design and evaluation
  • assessment of learners. 

More information about Module Three and the specialisms offered at the ELTC can be found in this sample from our course:

Upcoming Course Details

Our next DELTA Module 3 course will run from 18 November 2024 to 31 May 2025 (final dates to be confirmed).

On average, you will need to spend approximately 6 hours a week engaging with the course materials and your fellow participants to get the most out of the course. 

Submission to Cambridge will be at the beginning of June 2025.

Tuition fee 

The course fee in 2024-25 is Â£546. This fee includes all asynchronous learning materials, library access, the Cambridge entry fee and a dedicated personal tutor. 

How to apply

To apply for our DELTA Module 3 course, please complete the application form:

Any initial queries which aren't answered by this webpage can be sent by email to our TEFL Admin Team at

General Frequently Asked Questions

What is DELTA Module 3 and what does it test?

Module 3 focuses on broadening your knowledge of a chosen specialism and developing your understanding of syllabus design, testing and assessment.

The aim of this module is is to extend and develop your knowledge and competence in:

  • a chosen specialism
  • approaches to needs analysis
  • curriculum and syllabus design principles
  • different types of syllabus
  • course design and evaluation
  • assessment of learners
  • key concepts and terminology related to assessment
Who can take DELTA Module 3?

As with all DELTA Modules, Module 3 is suitable for:

  • English language teachers who want to progress into more senior roles (e.g. teacher training, senior teacher or ADoS)
  • Experienced teachers who want to extend their expertise and reflect on their practice 
  • Teachers working with different age groups, from young learners to adults, and in any context from ESOL to EAP

In order to stand the best chance of being successful, we recommend that you have:

  • at least two years of varied ELT experience. 
  • an excellent level of English (CEFR C1, IELTS 8.0 or above)
  • good digital and academic literacies. 
  • an undergraduate degree (or equivalent)
  • the ability to cope with a level 7 (Master's level) qualification

It is also essential that you have access to a group of learners on whom to carry out your needs analysis and diagnostic testing.

Why take DELTA Module 3?

DELTA is one of the best-known and most popular advanced TEFL/TESOL qualifications in the world. It is a flexible way for experienced English language teachers to progress further in their careers.

DELTA can be taken at any stage in a teacher’s career and is ideal for those wanting to update their teaching knowledge and improve their practice.

DELTA Module 3 will develop your understanding and knowledge of your chosen specialism as well as needs analysis, syllabus design and learner assessment. 

How is DELTA Module 3 assessed and graded?

Module 3 is assessed via a 4,000-4,500 word Extended Assignment in which you carry out an independent investigation leading to the design of a course programme related to your chosen specialist area. 

The assignment consists of five parts:

Extended Assignment
Part Aim Length (+/- 10%)
1 Review the relevant literature of your chosen topic and identify key issues. 1,100 words
2 Explain how you identified the needs of a chosen group of learners and how you used diagnostic testing to establish learning priorities.  900 words
3 Design a course of at least 20 hours and provide a rationale for its design, aims and teaching approach. 1,100 words
4 Explain how the course will be assessed and evaluated. 1,100 words
5 Outline how the proposed course design relates to the issues identified in the introduction.  400 words

The Module 3 Extended Assignment is assessed with reference to a detailed mark scheme, which allocates marks for each of five assessment categories (grasp of topic; needs analysis and commentary; course proposal; assessment; presentation and organisation).

There are 140 marks available in total and three passing grades: Pass with Distinction (approximately 120 marks required); Pass with Merit (approximately 100 marks required); Pass (approximately 80 marks required). 

Where and when can I submit the Extended Assignment?

The assignment can be submitted via any around the world, of which the ELTC is one.

DELTA Module 3 assignments can be submitted to Cambridge at the beginning of June and the beginning of December every year. 

When will I get my results?

Results are released by Cambridge approximately two months after the submission date. Certificates are sent to centres one week after results are released. We will let you know as soon as we receive your result and certificate.

Should I take the other DELTA Modules at the same time?

In theory, all three modules can be taken concurrently; indeed, there are some courses which prepare candidates for all three modules at the same time. However, If you are working full-time and/or have any other commitments, we would not recommend taking more than one module at a time due to the workload.

Although the modules can be taken in any order, we would generally recommend starting with Module 1, then Module 2, and finally Module 3.

DELTA Module 3 at the ELTC - Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the course?

The course lasts for 20 weeks in total from November to May. There is a 3-week break over Christmas and a 3-week break over Easter.

How is the course delivered?

The course is delivered purely online and is made up of 10 units, with each unit timetabled to be completed every two weeks.

The asynchronous content in each unit includes a variety of activity types, including interactive tasks, forum discussions, active reading, research and reflection.

You will also receive five one-to-one tutorials with your personal tutor during the course. 

Do I ever need to be online at a specific time?

We usually hold one live session in the first week of the course to give you the opportunity to get to know each other, the course tutors and the course a little better and to give you a chance to ask any questions you may have (time and day to be confirmed). Other than that, there is no requirement to be online at a specific time and it is up to you to manage your time in a way that works for you.

How many hours a week will I need to study?

The course units have been designed to make up approximately 3 hours worth of work per week, including working through the online content, completing the interactive tasks, keeping your personal course workbook up-to-date and contributing to the discussion forums.

It is recommended that you also allocate the same number of hours again to self-study, including background reading and research and, of course, completing drafts of your Extended Assignment.

Therefore, you should be prepared to dedicate approximately 6 hours per week to your studies. 

Will I need to work collaboratively with my peers?

Although the tasks and forum contributions do not require group or pair work as such, you should always make sure you read and comment on your peers’ posts. This will be a good opportunity for you to share best practice and learn from each other and will be an important part of your CPD on the course. 

Do I have to complete the units and forum tasks every week?

It is strongly recommended that you complete the units and associated tasks on a fortnightly basis as suggested on the timetable. We will, however, release the units in ‘chunks’ of learning: units 1-3 in November; units 4-6 in December; units 7-9 in February; and unit 10 in April. This allows more flexibility for you to work at your own pace and manage your time and the workload around your other commitments in a way that works for you. As a word of warning, please note that we have found that candidates who fall behind with the online units find it difficult to catch up later. 

The forum tasks are an important part of the course and should be completed every week. They have been designed to help you to consolidate your learning, reflect on your practice and learn from your peers and tutors.

Are the tasks I complete in the online units recorded or checked?

With the exception of what you record in your personal course workbook, when you complete tasks via the online asynchronous content, your answers are not recorded or stored. Therefore, as you work through the tasks, we strongly recommend that you make notes on a Word document or equivalent on your computer. You may decide to handwrite notes if this works for you.

As the course is not assessed as such, we will not be checking your answers to any of the self-study tasks you complete. Taking self-study notes of key terms, ideas and concepts is expected in any Level 7 qualification. We will, of course, comment on your forum tasks.

We will also be offering support and advice on drafts of each part of your assignment and you will receive written feedback on these. 

Will I be able to access the course once it has finished?

The course will be available for 3-4 weeks after the end of the course. Before submission, you will be able to use the content to ensure you have not missed anything and that your final draft meets all the content and presentation requirements set out by Cambridge (there are useful checklists for this in unit 10).

Once you have submitted, you will be able to review any of the materials and also save anything that will be useful for your future teaching or course design. 

What should I do if I experience technical difficulties?

We will provide you with access to a dedicated help desk which you will need to contact and explain the problem. They will try to help you resolve the problem as soon as possible.

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