Professor Jia Li
External partner
Visiting Professor, Carbon Capture and Storage

- Profile
Professor Jia Li is currently working as Technical Director at the UK-China (Guangdong) CCUS Centre; and is leading a team of experts on the Asian Development Bank funded project of 'Promoting CCS in China (Guangdong)' and an additional sister project in Shanghai.
Before Professor Li moved to China to work on the multi-technology testing platform and chaired the design work of the first Chinese carbon capture ready coal fired power plant, she worked as Lecturer in CCS at the University of Edinburgh. Prior to this, she was a lecturer in Low Carbon Energy with the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Science at the University of Exeter.
She obtained her PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London and her MSc with Distinction in Process Technology from the Engineering Department at the University of Warwick. Her work is centred around power and industrial plant overall efficiency and capture process design related to CCS, especially on carbon capture ready and capture retrofit.