Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ:

What can the Student Administration Service (SAS) help me with?

Contact the Student Administrative Service for any of the following queries:

  • I need to register
  • I need to collect your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP)
  • I want to know what your tuition fee is, and how to pay it I have a Student Finance loan query
  • I have a sponsor query
  • I need to correct the end date on your UCard I have an exams query
  • I want to discuss/arrange exam support adjustments
  • I have a question about your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) or electronic transcript
  • I want to submit an academic appeal
  • I want to make a complaint

Diamond Lab FAQs: 

Where do I go if I have questions about labs?

Please come to the third floor reception desk in the Diamond or email and a member of the admin team will respond to your query as soon as possible.

My lab session is not appearing on my timetable - what should I do?

You should check your timetable on both the iºù«Ӱҵ app and myTimetable available on MUSE. If myTimetable shows your missing lab session, but iºù«Ӱҵ doesn't, you may need to update the app on your phone.  For Further information about the iºù«Ӱҵ app please follow this .

If your lab session is missing from both systems, you should contact Diamond Lab Support ( who will be able to advise you.

Alternatively, you can contact your Home Department.

Do I need to complete the pre-experimental activity for my lab session?

Yes, please allow yourself enough time to complete the pre-lab activity at least 1 hour prior to your timetabled lab session, this is so that we can access your results on Blackboard before the lab. Failure to do so will result in you being refused entry to your lab.

The pre-lab activities can be found on the appropriate module Blackboard page.

I have missed/will miss my lab session(s) - what should I do?

Timetabled activities in the Diamond are compulsory and you should make every attempt to attend all of your face to face lab sessions, however, if you do miss a lab then you will find the remote/online alternative activity on the appropriate module Blackboard page. The online activities will be available once all of the timetabled face to face sessions of the lab activity have taken place.

If you think that you have extenuating circumstances for missing your lab please follow for more information and contact your Home Department as soon as possible.

What if I'm late to a lab session?

It is expected that students arrive at laboratory sessions at or before the start time advertised in the timetable. Punctuality is a valuable attribute of professional behaviour that is expected of engineers in the workplace for which your programme of studies is preparing you.

If you arrive after the start time of a laboratory class, it is likely you will not be allowed to take part in the activity and will be turned away. There are a number of reasons why you will not be permitted late entry, including:

  • Operational delivery of certain activities requires everyone to be present at the start of the session, for example for the allocation of groups or hearing important safety information.
  • Latecomers may not have time to complete the activities with the time remaining.
  • Students arriving late can cause disruption to students already engaged in their laboratory class.

If you are permitted to enter a particular laboratory class late, it should not be inferred that this will be permitted again or that there is a policy of late entry being tolerated. It is always expected that students arrive at or before the start time advertised in the timetable.

Staff running the laboratories may not have time to explain to you why you have been turned away if you are late, as they will need to focus on teaching the class.

What happens if I arrive at a lab session and I'm not on the register?

If you are not on the register, you will not be able to undertake the activity and be asked to leave the lab. The labs are planned in advance to accommodate a certain number of students. If you feel an error has been made, pleasecontact or your Home Department

I need help with some work I did in a lab session - who do I contact?

On the front cover of each lab sheet there will be the name and contact details of the academic who teaches the lab. Please contact them with your query.

If you require any further assistance then please contact

Can I do personal or co-curricular projects in the Diamond labs?

Yes. Please see here for more information.

I don't have a UCard yet- can I still get into the Diamond and in my lab?

Yes, you can still attend your lab even though you won't have your UCard yet. You will need to let the Facility Assistant staffing the first floor reception desk know that you have a lab and need to be allowed through. They may ask you to sign in and out of the building. When you get to the lab, a member of staff will ask for your name and registration number, so please make sure you have your registration number to hand, if not don't worry. They will be able to mark your attendance at the lab once the session has finished.

What if I need to leave a lab session unexpectedly?

You should speak to a member of the teaching staff before leaving the room. It will be noted that you have had to leave and were unable to complete the activity. You should contact your Home Department as soon as possible and explain why you had to leave.

What should I do if I think I have or have tested positive for Covid-19?

If you think or you know you’ve got Covid-19, tell us and we can provide advice and support

  • Remember that if you need support, we’re here to help you. If you’re staying at home because you think or know you’ve got Covid-19, you can tell the University by completing our online Covid-19 form:

Stay at home if you feel unwell

  • While you’re no longer required to self-isolate if you have Covid-19, you should try to stay away from others if you have symptoms.
  • Please continue to stay at home if you feel unwell, and do not come to campus.
What do I do if I feel unwell?

If you are due to attend face to face labs, it would be useful to let your lab lead know. Alternatively, you can inform Diamond Lab Support ( so that we can inform the relevant staff members. You should also inform your Home Department.

Who do I contact if I can't come to my lab?

You will need to notify your Home Department. The lab lead can then inform you of where to find the details of the alternative online activity. It will most likely be on the Blackboard page but it is best to check this with the lad lead.

Is the iForge open?

The iForge will be open but you need to contact them directly. Please email their team for more information: iForge

Are the study spaces open?

Yes they are! The Diamond is currently open 24/7.

I will now be unable to make it to the lab that I have booked onto, so please could I be removed from the register?

If you are unable to attend the lab you have booked on to, please contact the Diamond Lab Reception (  on the below email address and a member of the team will be able to remove you from the register.

Is there a lost and found in The Diamond

Yes. If you have left something in any of the study spaces please go to the "lost and found" located at the ground floor reception desk.

If you think you have left something of yours in one of the Labs please contact