Graves Gallery short film on the painting Le 7 décembre 1815, neuf heures du matin [The Execution of Marshal Ney] (1868) by Jean-Léon Gérôme.

Dr David McCallam and Dr Amanda Crawley Jackson worked with the Graves Gallery to research the famous painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme depicting the execution by firing squad of Maréchal Michel Ney on 7 December 1815.

The Execution of Marshal Ney

The painting is owned by the ºù«Ӱҵ Museum and Galleries Trust and usually hangs in the Graves Gallery main collection. Go and see it next time you’re in the city centre.

As part of the research, David and Amanda also made a short film with the Gallery that presents the historical and cultural context of the painting in a lively and irreverent way.

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