US Loans: consumer information

Information and forms you may need during your studies if you are in receipt of a US Loan.


Registration reporting

If you are in receipt of Federal Loans the University is required to report your registration status to the National Student Loan Data System for Students every 60 days. In light of this, it is important that you notify us immediately of any changes to your attendance status or completion date.

Contact details for the Student Fees and Funding Team can be found at the bottom of this page.

In-School Deferment Request Form

If you require an In-School Deferment Request Form to be completed you can download this from the link below. You will need to be registered on your course and complete sections 1-3 before we can complete section 4.

In-School Deferment Request Form (PDF, 82.5KB)

If you are not in receipt of loans but need your registration status to be reported for loan deferment purposes, please contact our team to request this.

Contact details for the Student Fees and Funding Team can be found at the bottom of this page.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

To comply with US Loan Federal Regulations the University is required to confirm your attendance and progression on your course twice per academic year. The Satisfactory Academic Progress Form policy gives further details:

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (PDF, 438KB)

To do this you will need to ask your department to complete a Satisfactory Progress Form. We will email you when you need to do this.

You will be asked to send the signed form to us by a specified date, failure to do so could result in future funding instalment being delayed or prevent you from graduating.

Satisfactory Progress Form (PDF, 284KB)

1098-T Tax Form

As a non-US institution, the University is not a US IRS tax deducting organisation, and has no authority to complete a 1098-T.

You can request a Certificate of Student Status from SSID confirming your tuition fees and amount paid.

 (student login required).

For US tax purposes, the University of ºù«Ӱҵ's EIN (Employer Identification Number) is 1900002920A1.

Exit counselling

Once you have completed your course at ºù«Ӱҵ you are required to complete exit counselling. We will contact you during your final year to remind you to do this.

Data security and privacy

Your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 are outlined on the University's Data protection pages. Section 4. 'Subject Access Requests' explains how individuals can request access to their personal data under the UK GDPR.

We also provide a link to the webpage above in our Privacy Notice for students (under 'Accessing your personal data'): University's privacy policies

The Student Fees and Funding Team will request data from you in order to process your loan application. In certain circumstances we are required to request specific information from you in order to comply with US federal regulations. We will hold any sensitive data that you submit to us in compliance with the GDPR and US federal regulations.

Should you have a complaint about how the Student Fees and Funding Team have handled your data as part of your loan application, you have the right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education. If this is the case, we would encourage you to contact our team in the first instance so that we can discuss the problem with you and try to resolve it. Our contact details can be found at the bottom of this page. 

University policies

Taking a leave of absence or withdrawing from the University

Information for students on taking a leave of absence or withdrawing from the University can be found on our web pages.

Students should also seek advice from their school prior to taking a leave of absence or withdrawing.

Note that for the purposes of Title IV, a leave of absence can only be approved if it is not over 180 days in length. The student must also be able to resume their studies at the same academic point that they took their leave of absence. If these conditions cannot be met, the student is deemed withdrawn for Financial Aid purposes.


US Federal Regulations specify that we must provide information about certain policies at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ.

Additional support

Contact the Student Fees and Funding Team

For specific questions about US loans, get in touch:

A global reputation

ºù«Ӱҵ is a world top-100 research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.