Urban studies and planning placements and work experience
Opportunities available to urban studies and planning students.

Opportunities for all students
There are plenty of opportunities available to urban studies and planning students, including:
Internships and work experience
The Placements team is dedicated to communicating exciting opportunities such as summer internships, work experience and graduate jobs to students, no matter which of our courses you study.
Degree with a placement year
As an undergraduate student, you have the chance to take a year out in a relevant industry of your choice. We advertise these opportunities when they arise.
Urban Studies and Planning MPlan
Short placements and work experience can take place in years two and three, during the summer and Easter breaks.
You can undertake a year-long placement in either year two or three. We support you to secure your own opportunities, but you can also apply for any that we source, too.
Although placements are usually two weeks long in each year (with a total of four weeks at the end of the year), we encourage you to look for as much as experience as possible.
Urban and Regional Planning MSc
Optional placements for MSc Urban and Regional Planning students take place during vacation periods, and these usually last one to two weeks.
We support you to secure your own opportunities, but you can also apply for any that we source, too.