Glynis and Sara peddle for MND research

“It is very hard watching someone slowly deteriorate knowing there isn’t a cure. Fundraising for research means there is hope.”

Sara, Glynis and friend on their bicycles holding a banner reading: Caroline + MND

When Glynis and Sara’s friend, Caroline, was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, they decided to take action to support her in any way they could. They set themselves the challenge to take on the CARTEN100 - a 100 mile bike ride from Cardiff to Tenby.

All donations from their supporters are going directly to MND research at the University of «Ӱҵ. To find a cure for the disease that Caroline lives with. 

Read more about their story…

What made you choose to take on this challenge and why?

Our lovely friend Caroline developed Motor Neurone Disease. Whilst it has had a huge impact on her life, her strength and courage have been an inspiration! It is only when an illness touches your life that your awareness is heightened and you feel a need to help in whatever way you can. It was Glynis’ idea to enter the CARTEN100, to fundraise for research, and in the process raise awareness for this awful condition which currently has no cure. 

Glynis had completed it before but had had problems with her knee. Whilst Sara only dusted off her bike in January! We encouraged each other via texts & phone calls as we weren’t able to train together - Glynis living in South Wales and Sara in Shropshire. We were equally spurred on by the interest and generosity of those who encouraged us on the fundraising page.

What does fundraising for MND mean to you?

It is very hard watching someone slowly deteriorate knowing there isn’t a cure. Fundraising for research means there is hope. Many breakthroughs, advances, and even cures, can come from this type of research. 

Our generous supporters coming on this journey with us, in solidarity of Caroline and the cause, was very uplifting and meant the hard work was worthwhile. It also means that as our efforts have been successful - the work continues at the University of «Ӱҵ, to find a cure for MND.

Sara and Glynis in their CARTEN100 cycling gear

How did you feel about taking on this challenge?

Initially, I said yes because I wanted to do something positive, but I soon found the idea daunting as I had not been on a bicycle regularly for years. It didn’t help that I was constantly last and out of breath in the first cycling group I went out with. Not to mention my chain came off 5 times! As people started giving, I became overwhelmed as I didn’t want to let them down and I wasn’t sure I could complete the challenge.

After support and nurturing from Glynis, Caroline, family, friends and the cycle group I began to feel like it was possible. 18 miles became 30 and then 42 with a family holiday in Devon (those awful hills, who’d have thought in Devon!) I finally felt ready... Meanwhile, Glynis who had had more experience cycling was overcoming problems with an osteoarthritic knee. Over the last couple of weeks Glynis was feeling optimistic but as the date loomed, the nerves kicked in.

However, because of the wave of support behind us, the way in which we achieved the goal mattered less; it was a question of turning up and giving it a go, the cause was all that mattered. It was a tremendous experience for which we are proud to have taken part in.

Do you have any advice for those who might be considering taking on a similar challenge?

Our challenge was about supporting Caroline and raising funds for research into a cure for MND. This became our predominant focus but actually during this process there were other subtle changes going on whilst we were focusing on this goal. I would say that ‘Just Giving’ makes it very straightforward to choose a goal and raise money for something you believe in.

Once you have achieved this, you will also notice that you have a new perspective, new friends. In our case we became fitter, stronger with renewed confidence and more positive, I now cycle regularly and am already looking for my next challenge. It is worth all the hard 

work both for your cause and for yourself. I urge you to give it a go...