Dr Alexandre Apsan Frediani

Institute for Global Sustainable Development

Research affiliate

Alexandre Apsan Frediani
Profile picture of Alexandre Apsan Frediani

Visiting Academic & Senior Lecturer at The Bartlett Development Planning Unit of University College London

Alexandre Apsan Frediani’s academic interests include the application of Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach in development planning, thinking and practice of participatory planning and design, housing rights and the policy and practice of informal settlement upgrading. Alex has collaborated with grassroots collectives in Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Brazil, Ecuador and undertaken consultancies for international development donors and agencies such as Oxfam, Comic Relief, Practical Action and UNDP. Currently, Alex is a co-investigator in a Comic Relief funded project aimed at setting up the Sierra Leone Urban Research Centre in Freetown together with colleagues from the Institute of Geography and Development Studies of Njala University. Alex is at the board of Habitat International Coalition, representing European members and he is an associate to Architecture Sans Frontières-UK.
