Mustapha Lab
In the Mustapha lab, we are investigating how loud noise and aging affect the survival of the nerve fibres that connect the ear with the brain. Understanding why these nerve fibres become vulnerable, will help us to develop a strategy to prevent hearing loss.
Lab Leader:

Dr Mirna Mustapha
Senior Research Fellow
School of Biosciences
Development, Regeneration and Neurophysiology
+44 114 222 1082
Lab Members:

Catherine Gennery
Research Technician
My work involves assisting in lab members' projects through techniques such as genotyping, immunolabeling, and cryosectioning.

Niovi Voulgari
Research Assistant
My research project aims to explore the implementation of gene therapy approaches to prevent progressive hearing loss and rescue auditory function.
Past Lab Members:
Dr Lara De Tomasi
Lara recently left her post-doctorate position in the Mustapha lab and is now working as a Senior Bioassay Scientist at Cellomatics Biosciences Ltd.
Dr Linus Conrad
Linus recently left his post-doctorate position in the Mustapha lab and is now working as an electrophysiologist at Astra Zeneca.