Using student hours to enhance your understanding or get feedback has been incredibly useful

Photo of undergraduate student Elizabeth Bellis
Elizabeth Bellis
Final year undergraduate student
BA History
Elizabeth discusses her favourite aspects of the course including how it's helped her gain a broader perspective on her studies.
Photo of undergraduate student Elizabeth Bellis

It has been fantastic to start fully in person learning this year, and ºù«Ӱҵ's commitment to this teaching shows how much they put the needs of their students to the forefront.

Elizabeth Bellis

BA History

Why did you choose to study at ºù«Ӱҵ?

I chose to study at ºù«Ӱҵ after attending an applicant day. I had applied knowing very little about the University, but when I got here I found I could really imagine myself living and studying here. From the applicant day it was obvious that this was the right choice from the passion of the history students I spoke to, the way that the University supports its students (something that was particularly striking with the beginnings of the pandemic) and the friendly environment of ºù«Ӱҵ as a whole, both in the Uni and in the wider city.

Has your experience so far been what you expected?

Although my first year was mainly online, I can't fault my experience at ºù«Ӱҵ, and it has and continues to impress me. In my first year there was a huge amount of support despite the circumstances of the pandemic. Now in my second and third year I've found it really enjoyable, staff have been easy to contact, passionate about their subjects and always ready to help. I'm on the committee for HST SOC this year and I've loved being involved in the more social side of the course. ºù«Ӱҵ itself is a great place to live, its friendly and you can really find anything you're into to do. I would have never expected an online first year to be so successful and in person Uni life the past 2 years have really surpassed my expectations

What do you particularly enjoy about your degree programme?

My favourite part about the degree is the variety of subjects studied. Coming to University has allowed me to study history from a far broader perspective than I ever had before, both in a global sense, which I have found fascinating, and in the scope of studies. For example, in my first year module looking at the Disenchantment of Europe we were able to look at the role fashion played in shaping the early modern person, something I would have never looked at in A-level. I have also enjoyed the breadth of time, my A-Levels were very modern focused but my favourite module last year was the Empires module that looked at ancient and medieval empires, periods I had never studied before, but have chosen to continue to look into as I enjoyed them so much. For my special subject I am now studying medieval Eurasian nomads, something I wouldn't have even known was available to study before the degree. Furthermore I've found the accessibility of tutors a great asset, especially during the online period. Using student hours to enhance your understanding or get feedback has been incredibly useful, also because being able to hear your tutors talk on subjects they really know about is great as you can really see the passion the staff also share for the subject.

What modules are you studying this year? Are there any modules that you have particularly enjoyed during your degree so far and why?

This year I've studied a comparative module on the history of the Family. But my special subject is on nomads between 600 and 1000 and its been my favourite subject. Partly because the structure of the special subject allows you to learn in so much depth and in an enjoyable environment as you spend so much time with your seminar group, but also because its such a new area for me to study and is so fascinating. My dissertation is related to my special subject but also drawing on other modules I've done in my degree like the Medieval Inquisition.

If you’ve undertaken any extra-curricular activities, what do you feel these have added to your time here?

Last year I worked on History in the City which was a great way to use my history skills outside of the degree. This year I'm Secretary on HST SOC which I've loved. History Society was really important for me in terms of meeting coursemates, especially in playing netball and going on socials. As secretary I've really enjoyed helping to organise events which everyone can take part in.

What do you like about the University/living in ºù«Ӱҵ?

In terms of the University I've really enjoyed and been impressed by the support available, both in terms of my course and on a personal level. These support options were so useful in first year online, as without them I think I would have felt quite isolated from the University itself. Thanks to the support I really got the sense that our wellbeing was the main priority for students. When it comes to the city, I love that ºù«Ӱҵ is so accessible (as long as you are prepared to semi-hike up some of the hills) then you can walk practically everywhere. Over lockdown this was a great way for me to get to know the city, I would (as most students would) highly recommend a sunset at Bole Hill for gorgeous views of the city. As a city it really has something for everyone, beautiful walks, brilliant nights out and great places to go for a coffee or food

Anything else that you want to say?

History has so many opportunities in the range of modules, the social aspect with society or the extra-curricular aspects like with History in the City, and so far it's been so enjoyable to take part in all these areas. I'm looking forward to more as the year goes on.

Would you recommend studying at ºù«Ӱҵ to a friend?

Without a doubt. I love living and studying here and I can't imagine leaving at the end of third year. Having had a few friends visit me since things have opened up they've loved the city. In comparing my online experience with other friends I also feel that ºù«Ӱҵ's dedication to their students really stood out in everything the University put in place.

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