I like that the city is so diverse, there are so many independent coffee and vintage shops.

Image of Julia Schneeberger,  History student ambassador
Julia Schneeberger
Third year undergraduate student
BA History & Modern Languages and Cultures
As an international student Julia enjoys the diversity of the city and how much the University offers to help you meet people and get settled in.


Image of Julia Schneeberger,  History student ambassador

There are plenty of events happening in and around the university for international students to meet and feel at home away from home.

Julia Schneeberger

BA History & Modern Languages and Cultures

Why did you choose to study at ºù«Ӱҵ?

I chose ºù«Ӱҵ because I loved seeing that there was such a diverse variety of modules to choose from, this gave me more opportunities to learn something new. The online open days were also very helpful for my final decision, as the university was able to answer any questions I still had.

Has your experience so far been what you expected?

I have not been disappointed by my experience at the university.

What modules are you studying this year? Are there any modules that you have particularly enjoyed during your degree so far and why?

This year I have chosen to study the Making of the 20th Century, as well as rights in the United States. The latter really gives us an insight into the different rights people had or didn't have in America since the British had colonised the land. This is quite an interesting topic as we discuss recent events as well.

If you’ve undertaken any extra-curricular activities, what do you feel these have added to your time here?

With the wide range of societies in place, I was able to try out new things with the 'Give It A Go' sessions. Joining a society gives you a good break from your university work and allows you to pursue your hobbies. It is also a chance to meet people outside of your degree.

If you're a dual student, what do you enjoy about doing a dual degree?

It gives me the right balance between two subject I really enjoy. Giving me a even greater variety of topics to choose from.

What do you like about the University/living in ºù«Ӱҵ?

I like that the city is so diverse, there are so many independent coffee and vintage shops. What I also appreciate is that everything is at walking distance.

Would you recommend studying at ºù«Ӱҵ to a friend?

Yes, absolutely.

How have you found studying on the History BA programme and in ºù«Ӱҵ more generally as a non-UK student?

As an international student, I have felt very supported throughout the academic year. There are plenty of events happening in and around the university for international students to meet and feel at home away from home.

What advice would you give international students considering history study at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ?

Make enough research about your degree and the university. If you have any questions, just ask.

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