Dr Saurabh Mishra
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
Senior Lecturer in History: post 1800
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead
Level 1 Tutor
+44 114 222 2617
Full contact details
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA
- Profile
I joined the University of 葫芦影业 in September 2012.
I read history at Delhi University, at Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi), and completed my Ph.D. at University of Oxford (2008).
I subsequently held a Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford for a project on disease, famines and livestock in colonial North India.
- Research interests
I am currently working on a project on indentured labour in British Guiana which investigates the lives and experiences of indentured labourers through the lens of medical/health issues.
While the plantation economy has been studied by a number of historians, this project adopts a different perspective by focusing on the medical regime that labourers were subjected to.
My larger interests lie in exploring a range of themes connected with the social history of colonial and post-colonial South Asia.
More specifically, my focus areas till now have included the following: the history of science and medicine in the subcontinent, the nature of Islam in South Asia, the history of agrarian processes and structures, and the formation of colonial policies and ideologies.
- Publications
Edited books
Journal articles
- Research group
Research supervision
- Completed Students
- Apurba Chatterjee (second supervisor) - Images of Empire: A Study of Visual Representations in Early British India c.1757-1820
- Teaching activities
- HST265 - The Making of Modern India, 1780-1965
- HST3132/33 - Tools of Empire? Medicine, Science and Colonialism, 1800-1950
- HST3304 - Debt, Money and Morality
- HST6069 - Worlds of Labour: Working Class Lives in Colonial South Asia
- Professional activities and memberships
Previous administrative roles:
- Dissertation Coordinator.
- Study Abroad and Erasmus Advisor