Tahmina Yesmin Shova (she/her)

School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities

PhD Student

Doctoral Fellow

Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)

Tahmina Yesmin Shova
Profile picture of Tahmina Yesmin Shova

Full contact details

Tahmina Yesmin Shova
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
45 Victoria Street
S3 7QB

Tahmina Yesmin Shova is a third-year doctoral student.

She began serving as a faculty member in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh in 2011 and has since continued.  She graduated from the University of Dhaka with her undergraduate and graduate degrees in philosophy in 2005 and 2006, respectively. In 2017, she graduated with a master’s in applied Ethics from Sweden's Linköping University. Additionally, she is a member of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (ASB), Dhaka University Alumni Association (DUAA), Alumni Association of Linköping University (AAPL), and Bangladesh Philosophical Society (BPS) on an institutional level. Her primary area of interest in research is social and political


Masters in Applied Ethics, Linkoping University, Sweden, 2017

Masters in Arts in Philosophy, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2006

Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005

Research interests

Title: Postcolonial Multiculturalism: The Politics of Group Rights and Identity 

Summary: The research focuses on a critical examination of Western liberal multiculturalism in relation to the identities and rights of South Asian minority groups that are descended from former European colonial relations. With a focus on the colonial process and effects on group formation and identification in postcolonial society, it outlines the postcolonial challenges to liberal multiculturalism. The project's main argument is that, in contrast to cases of group conflict in Europe, the politics of cultural dominance and ethno-racial conflicts in South Asian countries like Bangladesh are distinct in nature, and that understanding them requires a postcolonial account of multiculturalism, which must necessarily include the colonial history and legacies of the specific context. Therefore, it is necessary to defend a postcolonial understanding of multiculturalism to explain why the Western liberal multicultural theory of group rights frequently fails to pinpoint the precise nature of ethnic conflicts in Asian liberal democracies. This argument also contends that the inclusion of ideas like deliberative democracy and active citizenship would be crucial to comprehending the multiculturalism project in a postcolonial context.
The key ideas are:
ï‚· Multiculturalism
ï‚· Postcolonialism
ï‚· Active citizenship
ï‚· Human rights
ï‚· Public policy
ï‚· Good governance
ï‚· Social and cultural justice


Tahmina Yesmin Shova (2022). 'Integration and Recognition of Asian Immigrants: A Critical Exposition of Kymlicka’s Polyethnic Rights'; Asian Studies, The Twelfth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 12), pp. 785-793. Amsterdam University Press.

Tahmina Yesmin Shova (2020). Integration and Recognition of Cultural Identity of the Immigrants: A Liberal Approach to Citizenship Policy, Journal of Governance and
Innovation, Vol. VI, July-December, no.No.2, ISSN- 2312-5551, pp.55-71.- Yesmin, T.S, (2019). Nozick’s Idea of Rectification and Global Rectificatory Justice:
Some Observations. Journal of Social Science, February 2019. - Hussain, R

Yesmin, T.S, (2018), Unusual and unnecessary C-Section practices in Bangladesh: Violation of respect for autonomy principle and absence of social equity in health care system. Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D,
Volume 35, Number-2, December 2018, PP 247-260, ISSN 1562-269X.

Yesmin, T.S, Hussain, R. (2018). Child Murder Issues in Bangladesh: Reasoning from Socio-Ethical Observation. Society and Change a Social Science Journal Vol. XII, No.2,April-June 2018, ISSN: 1997-1052 (Print), 227-202X (Online): pp37-48. -Yesmin, T.S, (2015). Suicide Intervention: A Socio-Philosophical Perspective. Journal of
Dhaka University Studies, University of Dhaka.

Yesmin, T.S, (2014). The Rejection of Separation Thesis: Examination of a Business Ethics Issue. Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Volume xxxv, No 1, April, ISSN- 1682-2498.
-Yesmin, T.S, (2014). Ethical and Social Grounds of Corporate Social Responsibility: Some Reflections. Society&Change, Journal of Social Studies, University of Dhaka, Volume VIII, No 2, April – June, ISSN- 1997-1052.

Yesmin, T.S, (2011). The Role of Russell and Wittgenstein in Philosophy of Language: Regarding Logical Atomism (written in Bengalis language). Darshan O Pragati, G C Dev Research Center, University of Dhaka, Year 28: 1st & 2nd Volume, January- June, July-December.


Bangabandhu Overseas Scholarship Scheme 2021 for PhD 100% tuition fee wave scholarship of Linkoping University, 2016 Syed Abdul Hye.

Memorial Gold Medal, 2005

Abdul Karim Memorial Gold Medal, 2005 

Dr. Momtazuddin Memorial Gold Medal, 2006

Prof. M.U. Ahmed Gold Medal and Cash Price, 2006

Teaching activities

At a professional level (Associate Professor), I have taught the modules: Introduction to logic, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Science, and Moral Classical Theories.
As a GTA (current position), I am engaged with the modules: Self and Society, and History of Ethics

Professional activities and memberships

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. From 2019 (currently on study leave)