The course has really helped solidify what I want to be in life - an archivist

I've been brainstorming a research concept into a universal archive.
Harry Langford
MA Digital Culture and Communications
What experience did you have prior to the course?
I studied Cyber Security for my undergraduate course. Studying with the Digital Humanities Institute has helped me understand humanities a lot more, especially from a digital perspective.
What projects are you working on?
I'm particularly enjoying my e-portfolio where I've been brainstorming a research concept into a universal archive. I genuinely believe that this would be a good thing for humanity going forward - preserving all of our knowledge, both old and new.
What's next?
This course has really helped me actually solidify what I want to be in life, which is to go into archiving and become an archivist. Ideally, I'd love to become a digital archivist to make use of my technical know-how and actually influence how archives are changing, to make them more up to date with the digital world.