Certain modules were not just an intellectual exercise but also practical in building my world view.

How did a degree in Philosophy help you in your career?
A degree in philosophy helped me in many ways. First it helped me develop critical thinking and an awareness of what I wanted to do with my life, certain modules were not just an intellectual exercise but also practical in building my world view. Second, doing a research project under a philosophy lecturer allowed me to gain skills in areas which helped gain the internship with the BBC. I stepped out of my comfort zone to learn and apply film production and video editing, as well as interviewing skills, which were informed by my personal interests and skills gained from philosophy such as critical thinking, clear communication and formulating coherent arguments.
What advice would you share with prospective students?
Make the most of your time at university, participate in whatever you can, whether it's societies, sport or a hobby, it'll give you confidence, friends, and broaden your horizons.
A note about a career with a Philosophy background?
Personally, I think a career with a Philosophy background is perfect for the creative or media industries, as you're training the pursuit of knowledge/perspective as well as communication skills, and just answering or pondering hard questions which translates very well into entertaining and challenging the public. Storytelling, whether it's journalism and fiction is also a thing a Philosophy background gives you the skills for in my humble opinion.