
See all our project outputs below, and individual staff pages for team members on the ºù«Ӱҵ page. The list is updated regularly.
- Articles, books, and chapters
- Hilberg, E. & Stelmach, A. (2024, May 04) Analysing Gene Therapies: A note on how to find the future, iHuman. /ihuman/blog/analysing-gene-therapies-note-how-find-future
- Hanchard, M. (2023, May 07) World Orphan Drug Congress USA - Boston 2024, iHuman. /ihuman/blog/world-orphan-drug-congress-usa-boston-2024
- Hanchard, M. (2024) Review of ‘Navigating the cultures of health care and health insurance: Highly skilled migrants in the US’ By N. Zeldes, London: UCL Press. 2023. Sociology of Health and Illness,. 46(4). pp. 202-216. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13773.
- Hilberg, E. (2023, May 19) Futuristic Healthcare, iHuman. /ihuman/ihuman-blog/futuristic-healthcare
- Hilberg, E. & Kleinhout-Vliek, T. (2023, May 19) Focus on patients' stories, iHuman. /ihuman/ihuman-blog/focus-patients-stories
- Hanchard, M. (2023, May 19) The World EPA Congress and shift towards access equity and niche markets, iHuman. /ihuman/ihuman-blog/world-epa-congress-and-shift-towards-access-equity-and-niche-markets
- Hanchard, M. (2023, May 19) Working towards standardisation and collaboration across rare disease research, iHuman. /ihuman/ihuman-blog/irdirc2023
- Hanchard, M. (2023, May 19) Social pharmaceutical innovations (SPINs) in an era of orphanisation, iHuman. /ihuman/ihuman-blog/social-pharmaceutical-innovations-spins-era-orphanisation
- Baumgartner, R., Arora, P., Bath, C., Burljaev, D., Ciereszko, K., Custers, B., Ding, J., Ernst, W., FoschVillaronga, E., Galanos, V., Gremsl, T., Hendl, T., Kropp, C., Lenk, C., Martin, P., Mbelu, S., Morais Dos Santos Bruss, S., Napiwodzka, K., Nowak, E., Roxanne, T., Samerski, S., Schneeberger, D., Tampe-Mai, K., Vlantoni, K., Wiggert, K. & Williams, R. (2023), 'Fair and equitable AI in biomedical research and healthcare: Social science perspectives', Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 144(102658), pp. 1-9. doi: .
- Martin, P. (2022) ‘The challenge of institutionalised complicity: Researching the pharmaceutical industry in the era of impact and engagement’, Sociology of Health & Illness, 44(S1), pp. 158-178. doi: .
- Hanchard, M. (2022) ‘Issue-networks as omitted publics in the construction of #rarediseaseday discourse’, Wellcome Open Research, 7(276), doi: .
- Mestre-Ferrandiz, J., Shaw, B., Chatterjee, C., Ding, J., Singh, P. and Hopkins, M. (2022). Policy instruments (non price) for medical innovation. ‘Oslo Medicines Initiative’ (technical report). Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe. Available at:
- Borie, M., Bruschi, L., Chen, A., Dell'Orto, D., Hanchard, M., Pearce, W., Pilipets, E., Quets, A., Xu, Z. (2022). ‘According to Google Images: Visual epistemologies of climate change and biodiversity loss’. (Poster). ORDA: ºù«Ӱҵ. doi:
- Hanchard, M. (2021) ‘The construction of rare disease discourse on YouTube: highlighting a disparity between policy rhetoric and patient practices around public engagement’, Wellcome Open Research, 6(361), doi: .
- Ding, J., Baumers, M., Clark, E. A., & Wildman, R. (2021) ''. International Journal of Production Economics, 237, 108087
- Hilberg, E. & Stelmach, A. (2024, May 04) Analysing Gene Therapies: A note on how to find the future, iHuman. /ihuman/blog/analysing-gene-therapies-note-how-find-future
- Conference talks and posters
- Ding, J. (2024) ‘The growing divergence in orphan approvals: A retrospective cohort study comparing the FDA and the EMA from 2011 to 2020’, (Cahor: Natz, A.) [Pricing and Reimbursement Track]. World Orphan Drug Congress, Boston, MA. 22-25-Apr-2024.
- Hanchard, M. (2024) ‘Facebook in diagnosis? Gathering insights from everyday discussion of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) treatments.’ (Chair: Wang, M.) [Diagnosis track], World Orphan Drug Congress, Boston, MA. 22-25-Apr-2024.
- Hanchard, M. (2024) ‘Alternative pricing structures for orphan medical products’ World Evidence, Pricing, and Access Congress, Amsterdam: RAI Convention Centre. 12-15-Mar-2024.
- Hilberg, E., Martin, P., Stelmach, A., Kleinhout-Vliek, T. (2023) ‘Gene therapy narratives and the making of pharmaceutical futures’ (chair: Pavone, V., Turrini, M., Wahlberg, A., Bourgain, C., and Argudo-Portal, V.) [Panel 51: - Genetic testing: Materiality and temporality: Part 2] 4s annual meeting, Honolulu: Honolulu convention centre. 08-11 November 2023.
- Hanchard, M. (2023) ‘High prices, inequitable access, and sociotechnical regimes surrounding orphan drugs: a meta-narrative literature review’ (chair: Cruz, T., Hanssmann, C., and Rollins, O.) [175. Matters of Justice in Science, Technology, and Medicine: Part 2] 4s annual meeting, Honolulu: Honolulu convention centre. 08-11 November 2023.
- Ding, J. and Martin, P. (2023) ‘Fixing the broken model: AI, rare disease patient organisations and the repurposing of orphan drugs’ (chair: Bélisle-Pipon, J., Ravitsky, V., and Bensoussan, Y.) [Panel 290. Navigating the Complexities of Trustworthy AI in Healthcare: Ethical, Legal, Technical, Epistemic, and Societal Aspects: Part 1] 4s annual meeting, Honolulu: Honolulu convention centre. 08-11 November 2023.
- Ding, J. and Martin, P. (2023) ‘Access to orphan medical products in the US and Europe: sociotechnical regimes and the shaping of pharmaceutical markets’ (chair: Jaimes, A.) [394. STS and policy making (Health) I] 4s annual meeting, Honolulu: Honolulu convention centre. 08-11 November 2023.
- PMartin, P. (2023) ‘Lightening talk’, STSMN relaunch event. York: York Medical Society, 07-08 September 2023
- Hanchard, M. (2023) ‘Lightening talk’, STSMN relaunch event. York: York Medical Society, 07-08 September 2023
- Martin, P. (2023) ‘Access to orphan drugs in the US and Europe: sociotechnical regimes and the shaping of drug markets’, (chair: Wadman, S.) [Panel: Pharmacological developments and treatment infrastructures:] 6th Nordic STS conference, Oslo: TIK – Centre for technology, Innovation, and Culture. 07-09 June 20
- Hanchard, M. (2023) ‘The eversion of state-citizen relations and its impact on patient hope: How ALS treatments are framed on Facebook.’ (chair: Högberg, C. and White, J.) [Panel: Caring and repairing data lives] 6th Nordic STS conference, Oslo: TIK – Centre for technology, Innovation, and Culture. 07-09 June 2023.
- Hilberg, E., (2023) ‘The next data revolution? - The promises of Real World Evidence’ (chair: Wadmann, S.) VIVE meeting, Copenhagen: Vive Head Office. 08-11 May 2023.
- Hanchard, M. (2023) ‘Paper in progress: Media framing of ALS treatments on Facebook and its relation to patient engagement’ (chair: Wadmann, S.) VIVA meeting meeting, Copenhagen: Viva Head Office. 08-11 May 2023.
- Ding. J. (2023) ‘The growing gap in orphan drug approvals between the FDA and EMA: A retrospective cohort study 2011-2020’(chair: Wadmann, S.) VIVA meeting meeting, Copenhagen: Viva Head Office. 08-11 May 2023.
- Hilberg, E. (2023) ‘The next data revolution? - The promises of Real World Evidence’ (Chair: Hilberg, E.) Panel Economies of Hope/ Economies of Despair, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, Montréal, Canada, 15th-18th March 2023.
- Hanchard, M. (2023) ‘Models of Data Deposition’ (Chair: Adams, J.) Open Research in Practice panel, OpenFest, ºù«Ӱҵ:University of ºù«Ӱҵ. 14-September-2022.
- Hilberg, E. (2022) The next data revolution? - The promises of Real World Evidence, (Chair: Ros Williams & Paul Martin) Vital Circulations Symposium 3: Vital Data, 22nd July 2022 (Remote).
- Hilberg, E. and Kleinhout-Vliek, T. (2022) The social lives of stories - The role(s) of accounts of rare disease from innovation to authorisation and marketing of orphan drugs, (Chair: T. Kleinhout-Vliek, C. Douglas and E. Hilberg) EASST Congress, Madrid, 6.-9.7.2022.
- Hilberg, E. (2022) ‘Diagnosing a Differend – Strategic silences and omissions in reforms of orphan drug legislation’, Oxford Global Health and Bioethics International Conference 2022, Oxford 27.-28.6.2022.
- Hilberg, E. (2022) ‘The next evidence revolution? - The promises of Real World Evidence’, SPIN Network Meeting, Paris, 19.5.2022.
- Hanchard, M. (2022) ‘Social media analysis of the debate around Zolgensma, SPIN Network Meeting, Paris, 19.5.2022.
- Ding, J. (2021) ‘Fixing the broken model: AI, rare disease patient organisations and the repurposing of orphan drugs’, in Fair Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: Chances, Challenges, Consequences. 03-05-Mar-2021.
- Ding, J. (2021) ‘Why do we need 3D printed pharmaceuticals’, Pop-up University, ºù«Ӱҵ; University of SHeffield. 18,19-September-2021.
- Ding, J. (2021). ‘Comparing the landscape of orphan drug developments in the US and the EU’, in Weiner, K.. (Chair) Science Technology and Medicine in Society (STEMiS) new staff seminar. ºù«Ӱҵ: University of ºù«Ӱҵ. 01-Dec-2021.
- Ding, J. (2021). ‘The future is bespoke: 3D printing- a game changing technology for drug manufacturing’, The Statesman - India. 6-Oct-2021.
- Ding, J. (2021) ‘Pharmaprojects Demonstration’, Health Division OECD. 8-June-2021.
- Ding, J. (2021).The Evolution and Dynamics of Orphan Drug Innovation in the US, in Kleinhout-Vliek,T.,(Chair) 4S Annual Meeting: Transforming the Development & Governance of Pharmaceuticals II. Toronto: Virtual. 08-Oct-2021.
- Ding, J. (2021) ‘My journey from photography to pharmaceutical policy via maps, films, and benches’, in Weiner, K. (Chair) Science Technology and Medicine in Society (STEMiS) new staff seminar. ºù«Ӱҵ: University of ºù«Ӱҵ. 01-Dec-2021.
- Hanchard, M. (2021) 'Mapping a controversy: Identifying issue publics through discourse and social network analyses of #rarediseaseday', in: Kleinhout-Vliek,T. (Chair) 4S Annual Meeting: Transforming the Development & Governance of Pharmaceuticals III. Toronto: Virtual. 08-Oct-2021.
- Hanchard, M. (2022)&²Ô²ú²õ±è;‘Tµþ°ä’, Social Network Analysis in Scotland (SNAS) group seminar, Wong, M. (Chair). University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh, 08-Mar-2022.
- Hilberg, E. (2021). ‘Molecular Sovereignties – Patients, Genomes, And The Enduring Biocoloniality Of Intellectual Property’, in Kleinhout-Vliek,T.,(Chair) 4S Annual Meeting: Transforming the Development & Governance of Pharmaceuticals III. Toronto: Virtual. 08-Oct-2021
- Hilberg, E. (2021) ‘Biopolitics at the intersection of health and law’, in Weiner, K.. (Chairs) Science Technology and Medicine in Society (STEMiS) new staff seminar. ºù«Ӱҵ: University of ºù«Ӱҵ. 01-Dec-2021.
- Ding, J. (2024) ‘The growing divergence in orphan approvals: A retrospective cohort study comparing the FDA and the EMA from 2011 to 2020’, (Cahor: Natz, A.) [Pricing and Reimbursement Track]. World Orphan Drug Congress, Boston, MA. 22-25-Apr-2024.
- Reports and Policy briefs
Coming soon
- Online content
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How we understand being ‘human’ differs between disciplines and has changed radically over time. We are living in an age marked by rapid growth in knowledge about the human body and brain, and new technologies with the potential to change them.