The uses of literacy revisited

The launch of “The uses of literacy revisited: young people in Rotherham reimagine the future” exhibition will be held at the Western Bank Library Exhibition Gallery, «Ӱҵ, at 6.30pm-8.00pm on Wednesday 14 June 2017.


The exhibition showcases the outcomes of two of the University of «Ӱҵ research projects, both based in Rotherham.

First is the ‘Imagine’ project led by Professor Kate Pahl from the School of Education, and the second is Grimm & Co. literacy charity, supported by the research of Professor Jane Hodson of the School of English.

The exhibition also draws on the archive of Richard Hoggart. Hoggart is the author of The Uses of Literacy, which is held by the University of «Ӱҵ Library. 

The book highlights his thinking on literacy in everyday life which is an important element in both research projects.

Come and see some of the visual artefacts developed during the ‘Imagine’ project, including art work, poetry and photographs created by groups of young people in Rotherham.

Also, experience Grimm & Co., learn more about the work of the charity and see some of the objects and stories produced by the participants. 

Examine documents and photographs from the life and work of Richard Hoggart.

This free event is organised by the University of «Ӱҵ Library. The exhibition will run from 12 June - 9 September 2017.

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