Maureen Howard
Teaching Support Manager, Department for Sociological Studies.

I have worked for the University for over 20 years supporting learning and teaching activities - in Continuing Education, Landscape and Sociological Studies.
I initially worked part-time around my son and while studying for my degrees in Environmental Studies. I’ve been promoted three times and am now Teaching Support Manager. I help plan, develop, implement and operationalise departmental strategy.
I am a Trade Union Steward, and serve as UNISON’s Assistant Branch Secretary, and Vice-Chair of the Campus Trade Unions. I am solution-focused and have to deal with some difficult situations.
I provide the staff voice during negotiations with the University. My role involves collective bargaining, negotiating terms and conditions of employment for staff, developing University policies and procedures, being part of the collective consultation meetings during restructures and TULR(C)A section 188 redundancy consultation. I represent members in disciplinary meetings and grievances and sit on promotion appeal panels.
I am a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian and a semi-vegetarian. Juice Bootcamps sparked my interest in exercising outdoors, and I ran my first half-marathon last September at age 55 and with a heart condition. I finished last - but the point is I finished! I learned a lot about myself, digging deep when I really wanted to quit, running my own race and perseverance.
I value our diverse and international community, and I am glad the University seeks to be culturally inclusive.