This conference was an excellent opportunity for us, the INSPIRATION early-stage researchers (ESRs) to feature oral and posters presentations, cochairing conference sessions, and disseminating the research we have done in the past three years.
Our expo corner exhibited our project work supported by the recently published technical bulletins, a poster that displayed the faces of INSPIRATION, and a video that summarised the work of each of the ESRs. Throughout the four days of the conference, we discussed our research and the project with many participants. Over 20 people gave us their email addressed asking for more information.
This final event gave us the chance to look back and see how many things we accomplished since our first meeting in March 2017. The journey is not over yet, we still need to obtain our PhD degree, but much has been done, and we could prove during this conference.
Our oral presentations
- Izabela Bujak – Inspiration Talk: Integrative Isotope Techniques To Evaluate The Fate and Transport of Nitrogen In An Alpine Foothill Catchment (ESR3)
- Alexandra Giber – Inspiration Talk: Quantification of Nitrate Reduction Potential and Kinetics of Soil Samples Obtained From Sandy Aquifers (ESR7)
- Olha Nikolenko – Inspiration Talk: Effects of The Hydrogeochemical Stratification On The Distribution of Ghgs Concentrations and Their Production/consumption Processes In Groundwater (ESR6)
- Robin Weatherl – Inspiration Talk: Identifying Sources and Processes Impacting Groundwater Recharge In The Human Environment (ESR4)
Also supervisors presented
- Mario Schirmer – Invited Talk : Impact of Urbanization On Groundwater Recharge: Case Study Dübendorf, Switzerland (EAWAG)
- Steve Thornton – Inspiration Talk : Introduction to INSPIRATION Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (University of ºù«Ӱҵ)
We presented some interested posters
- Domiziana Cristini – Isotopic Constraints On The Fate of Phosphate In Agricultural Catchments
- Gisela Quaglia – A Framework For Targeting Mitigation Measures To Reduce Pesticide Impacts On Water (ESR15)
- Maximilian Ramgraber – Pseudo-Online Optimization of High-Conductivity Structures From Multiple-Point Statistics (ESR5)
- Bastian Saputra – Developing Biosensors To Measure The Bioavailability of Heavy Metals In The Remediation of Contaminated Soil (ESR9)
- Rosa I Soria – Immobilization of Cd, Pb and Zn In Soil Solution and Contaminated Soil Using Biochar To Improve Soil Quality (ESR8)
- Madaline Young – Development of A Decision Support Framework To Evaluate The Impacts of Agricultural Management On Crop, Soil, and Environmental Quality (ESR14)
ºù«Ӱҵ the conference
The Groundwater Quality Conference 2019 (GQ 2019) was held at the University of Liège (Belgium) on 9-12 September 2019.
The conference theme, groundwater quality in the transition between rural and urban environments, focused on the need to protect, manage, repair and sustain groundwater quality in growing rural and urbanised environments.
The event registered over 270 participants and 277 posters/oral presentations from academic, industry, regulatory, contractor, consultant, planners.
Soon, presentations, posters and pictures can be found online here: