CAS number frequently asked questions

This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about the process of arranging a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number.

I have previously studied in the UK on a student visa. Will I be eligible for a CAS number for a second student visa?

Yes, providing you meet the UKVI's requirements relating to "academic progression" and time limits:

  • For applicants to all courses: The qualification you have applied to study should normally be at a higher level than any qualification you have previously studied on a UK student visa. For example, if you have previously studied a Bachelors degree in the UK, the next qualification you study here should be at Masters level or higher. In some circumstances it is possible to study at the same academic level as a previous course. We will let you know whether this is possible after you submit your degree course application.
  • For applicants to undergraduate courses only: By the end of the course you have applied to study, you must not have spent more than five years studying Bachelors and Masters qualifications on a UK student visa (six years if the new course lasts four years).
When will the University arrange my CAS number?

The process of arranging your CAS number will begin when you have activated your CAS Application via the Pre-Registration system. The CAS Application task will appear 1) when it is less than four months before your course starts, 2) when you have accepted an Unconditional offer of a study place at the University and 3) (for postgraduate taught applicants only) when you have paid any fee deposit we have requested.

How do I access the Pre-Registration system?

We will send an email giving you access to the Pre-Registration system to the email address you used in your application to study at the University.

My email address has changed. What should I do?

If the email address you used in your application is no longer valid, please let us know your new address by emailing Please include in your email your name, your applicant number, and the title of the course you have applied to study.

What happens if my contact email address is my agent’s and not my personal email address?

If your email address is your agent's, then they will receive the email giving you access to the Pre-Registration system. They will need either to complete the Pre-Registration tasks themselves if they can, or to contact you.

I have deleted the email giving me access to the Pre-Registration system. What should I do?

Please email with your name, your applicant number, and the title of the course you have applied to study, and we will resend the email.

Do I have to pay a fee deposit before the University applies for my CAS number?

If you have applied for a taught postgraduate course and we have asked you to pay a fee deposit, we will only be able to apply for your CAS number when you have paid your fee deposit, or provided evidence that you are exempt.

My course requires ATAS clearance. Will you apply for my CAS number before I have received this?

Yes. However, please note that you will need to have received ATAS clearance before you apply for your visa. You can find more information about this on our ATAS webpage.

Can I apply for a Student visa with my offer letter?

No, you can only apply for your Student visa with the CAS number arranged by the University.

I will be studying on more than one course at the University. Will I need a CAS number for each course?

If you are going to study more than one course (for example an English language pre-sessional course followed by an academic degree course), you will normally need a separate CAS number for each course. In some circumstances, however, we may be able to arrange a Combined CAS number for you covering both courses. Please visit the Combined CAS webpage for more information.

Is there a deadline for confirming my CAS Application Information?

The deadline to apply for your CAS if you are applying from outside the UK is three weeks before the start date of your course. We will only arrange a CAS number for you after this date if you are using a priority visa application service, or will be applying for your visa from within the UK.

If you will be using a priority service, the final deadline for you to confirm your CAS information is 1 week before the latest possible start date for your course. We may not arrange a CAS number for you if you confirm your CAS Application Information later than 1 week before the latest possible start date. Please visit our New Students webpages for more information on late registration and start dates.

What do I do if any of my CAS Application Information is missing or incorrect?

In the CAS Application you will be able to add or amend any information which is currently missing or incorrect before you submit it to us. You can also write a message to the CAS team in the Notes section on your CAS application. It is essential that all information is correct on the CAS before you apply for your visa. 

I don’t yet have all the material I need to confirm my CAS Application Information. What should I do?

You can access and amend your CAS Application Information as many times as you want before confirming your information. However, we will not be able to apply to the Home Office for your CAS number until you have confirmed that all your information is present and correct.

What happens if I don't confirm my CAS Application Information?

It is very important that your information is all present and correct. Therefore we will not apply for your CAS number until you have confirmed it. Without a CAS number, you will not be able to apply for the student visa you need to study in the UK.

Why is my nationality shown by country name and not as the standard nationality name?

Your nationality is written as a country name because this is how we record this information at the University of ºù«Ӱҵ. UKVI accept a nationality as a country name, so this will not affect your CAS application.

I have been awarded a scholarship. Will this appear in my CAS Application Information?

Yes - University of ºù«Ӱҵ scholarships only. If your scholarship has been awarded to you before you have requested your CAS, the scholarship should appear in the "Course Information" section on your CAS application. If scholarship information is missing, or you are awarded a scholarship at a later date, please email a copy of your scholarship letter to 

If you are awarded a scholarship from any source other than the University of ºù«Ӱҵ, this will not appear in your CAS Application Information. You will need to include the scholarship documentation when you submit your visa application.

More information on scholarships for International students

I have paid a deposit on tuition/accommodation fees. Will this appear in my CAS Application Information?

Deposit payments will not appear on your initial application. Once you have been assigned a CAS, any tuition fee or University of ºù«Ӱҵ accommodation payments will appear on the CAS within 2 working days. If you have a Combined CAS number, any payments made towards your Pre-sessional course will not appear in your CAS Application Information, and you should include receipts in your visa application.

Why is the course start date in my CAS Application Information different to the start date in my offer letter?

The start date in your CAS Application Information has changed from the date in the offer letter to include the University’s Orientation Week and Intro Week. You should use the start date in your CAS Application Information for your visa application.

Intro Week is a programme of welcome events for new students the week before teaching begins. It is also when you will be expected to register at the University. We strongly recommend that you arrive for the start of Intro Week.

More information about Intro Week

Orientation Week happens the week before Intro Week and includes events and activities to adjust to life in the UK. You will also be able to carry out certain immigration tasks during this week, including collection of your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) from the University if you have selected this on your visa application.

More information about Orientation Week

How can I arrange to collect my Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) from the University?

On your visa application you can choose to collect your Biometric Residence Permit BRP at the University instead of a local Post Office, and this will be much easier for you. To do this, you need to include the code "2HE237" in the Biometric Residence Permit Collection screen in your visa application form.

What happens if I have a problem completing the CAS Application task?

If you have a problem completing the CAS Application task, please let us know by emailing with 1) "Problem with CAS Application", 2) your name and 3) your applicant number as the subject. This email address should only be used to inform us of a problem, not to confirm your CAS Application Information.

What happens if I have a problem using the Pre-Registration system?

If you have a problem using the Pre-Registration, please let us know by emailing with 1) "Problem with Pre-Registration system", 2) your name and 3) your applicant number as the subject.

UKVI charge a fee for issuing a CAS number. Will I have to pay this?

No. UKVI do charge a fee for issuing a CAS number, but the University of ºù«Ӱҵ will pay this.

What happens after you confirm your CAS Application Information

How long will applying for a CAS number take?

You should receive your CAS number within 5 working days of submitting your completed CAS application to us. 

What should I do when I receive my CAS number?

After you have received your CAS number, you can find details of how to make your visa application on the . Please note that you will only be able to apply for your visa a maximum of three months before the date your course is due to start if you are applying from inside the UK, and a maximum of six months before your course is due to start if you are applying from outside the UK.

When can I use my CAS number to apply for a visa?

You can use your CAS number to apply for a visa up to six months before the date your course is due to start if you applying for your visa from outside of the UK. You can use your CAS number to apply for a visa up to three months before the date your course is due to start if you are applying for your visa from inside the UK.

Do I need a paper copy of my CAS Statement?

No. The CAS number links to an electronic record on the UKVI database, and so you will only need to enter the number on your visa application.

However, you may wish to print a copy of your CAS Statement for your own use as it will only be available online until 8 weeks after your start date.

How long will my CAS number be valid for?

You CAS number will be valid for six months. This means that you should apply for your visa within six months of being issued with a CAS number.

Can I use my CAS number to apply for a visa to study on another course or at another University?

No. CAS numbers are linked to the specific course you have applied for. This is why we only apply for a CAS number when you have accepted an Unconditional offer.

Does receiving my CAS number mean that I will definitely get a visa?

No. Applicants must meet all the other requirements of the UK's immigration rules. You can find more information about this on the . ou will be able to apply for your visa a maximum of three months before the date your course is due to start if you are applying from inside the UK, six months if you are applying from outside the UK.

If my visa application is unsuccessful, can I use the same CAS number to re-apply?

No. If your visa application is unsuccessful, you will need a new CAS number to re-apply. Before a new CAS number can be assigned, you will need to notify the University's International Student Support team by completing their . An immigration adviser will then let you know whether a new CAS number can be assigned. If a new CAS number is assigned, you should use this new number when you re-apply for a visa.

What are the legal implications of having a CAS number?

Once you have been allocated a CAS number, the University is required to report you to UKVI if you break the terms and conditions of your visa. This requirement applies to all universities, not just the University of ºù«Ӱҵ. You can ensure that you comply with the terms and conditions of your student visa by doing the following:

  • Enrol for every year of your studies. If you are unable to enrol, you must inform the University so that we know where you are.
  • Keep good attendance at all teaching sessions. If you are in the UK on a student visa you must study full time.
  • Do not take a break from your studies unless this is absolutely necessary
  • Do not work more hours than permitted.  Your visa will tell you what hours you can work, if any.

The University will notify the Home Office if:

  • You do not register
  • You are absent, without authorisation, from teaching sessions
  • You withdraw from your course
  • You take an authorised leave of absence
  • You change your course of study
  • We know that you have broken the terms and conditions of your visa
Where can I find information about other aspects of the visa application process?

Information about other aspects of the visa application process can be found on the . Guidance is also provided by the University of ºù«Ӱҵ's International Student Support, Advice and Compliance team.

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